Without wishing to steal more space to devote to personal research, we cannot fail to remember, in light of what we have learned about, how Piazza Euclide is reduced today. Over the years, many businesses have gone bankrupt above the famous source and as many businesses have closed their doors not long after its opening, despite the rediscovery of the sacred site. Today the headquarters above houses one of the many oriental restaurants run by Chinese, who knows how it will turn out. On one thing, however, we can be sure: the residents' having ignored for a long time the presence of such an ancient and influential divinity, even before the source in question, made Piazza Euclide a melting pot of decadence and decay. comparable to other places in the Urbs.

The wrath of the beautiful old woman has long since fallen on the slothful young people who walk her streets and on the unworthy people who have forgotten her and her perennial generosity. An appeal to the reader: from today, remembering the departure and rise of the Divo Cesare, every 15th of March, let's not refrain from drinking wine and going for a picnic in the memory of our authentic cultural and spiritual roots. We do not fail to make the traditional wish several times: "Annareque perannareque commode"So may you all spend, between contemporary magic and re-enacted Goddesses, a good year from start to finish!