Nietzsche, the archer, the bow and the tightrope of the will

The vastness and complexity of Nietzschean thought find a happy synthesis in the evocative symbols of the archer, the bow and the arrow; metaphors that the philosopher often uses in his main writings, so much so that in the Prologue of the β€œZarathustra”, one of his first admonitions is: Β«Woe! The times are approaching when man will no longer shoot the longing arrow beyond man, and his bowstring will have unlearned to vibrate Β».

The "pagan" origins of the Bolognese festival of porchetta

Lorena Bianconi is the author of the booklet "At the origins of the Bolognese Porchetta festival" (Clueb, 2005), the celebratory occasion of August 24 which characterized the Bolognese summers for at least 500 years. The author questions the supposed medieval origins of the festival and through an anthropological reading of its rituality, the comparison with ancient pre-Christian cults and analyzing the ritual use of the pig in the ancient world, she concludes that it could be the relic of ancient rituals. pre-Christian connected with seasonal change.

HP Lovecraft, the New Babel and the advent of the New Dark Age

As some "Sunday critics" say, Lovecraft always put before the alleged racial hatred the viscerally felt horror in the first person towards the advent of the modern world, the empire of machines and total depersonalization, in which every individual and his highest visions are swallowed up and inserted in a cosmic framework of universal tragedy, devoid of any higher outlet. And New York was, of course, raised in the image of the New Babel, which engulfs ancient traditions and human differentiations in a continuous, abject ritual of collective depersonalization, standardization and dehumanization.

HP Lovecraft, the New Babel and the witch hunt 2.0

The controversy raised to the Hugo Awards 2020 on the literary and "ideological" legacy of HP Lovecraft has reopened the question, which exploded ai World Fantasy Awards 2011, of the alleged racism of the Providence Dreamer, which would make him a problematic author for some. But how much did HPL's "racialist" beliefs really influence the genesis of his work, and especially the drafting of The Horror at Red Hook, your most controversial story, a manifesto of the revulsion felt towards the city of New York?

β€œThe house with laughing windows”: fetishes and (self) sacrifices

Exactly 45 years ago, on August 16, 1976, "The house with laughing windows", the cult-movie by Pupi Avati ascribable to the so-called vein of the Β«Padano GothicΒ». In the film, the disturbing element of the peasant culture in which the Emilian director grew up and more exotic black suggestions, from Caribbean macumbas to self-sacrifice shared by the mystic and the madman, converge.

Β«Magicaluna: Art & Magic in the BorgoΒ». Festival on esoteric and magical culture

The next weekend, Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 August, the festival will take place in the Borgo di Montefiore Conca (in the province of Rimini) "Magicaluna: Art and Magic in the Borgo". Sunday evening at 20:30 we will speak as speakers with the seminar "The cult of fairies in Celtic countries: an eschatology of death and rebirth ”, based on essay published a few months ago in the annual issue of "Arthos".