Native portfolio. Indian Perennialism and the Kingdom of Quantity

Esoteric and exoteric characteristics of the Occultation of the Mahdi in Shiite eschatology

Initiatory paths in Christian gnosis: the mosaic floor of Aquileia and the Pistis Sophia

Was original Christianity, Judeo-Christianity or Essene-Christianity, that doctrine that Christ handed over to his "pneumatic brother" James, a teaching that RenΓ© GuΓ©non saw impenetrably wrapped in the most discreet reserve, was it a gnosis? We can answer affirmatively by examining the representations of the large mosaic carpet inspired by Judeo-Christian themes present in the cathedral of Aquileia. Their peculiar iconography provides much more than a clue to support this thesis.

The Dogon and the Sotian calendar

Waiting for tomorrow night's live with Antonio Bonifacio, dedicated to his book The Dogons. Masks and souls to the stars (Venexia 2015), we host this vast unpublished work by the author which summarizes the religious cosmology of the peoples of western Sudan and its links with ancient Egypt.

Psychedelic Christianity (part I): Maria Sabina and the "fungal Eucharist"

An investigation into the syncretism between the "cult of the sacred mushroom" in the Mexican area and imported Spanish Catholicism, centered on the figure of the Mazatec "sabia" and "curandera" Maria Sabina. Following, some reflections on the bizarre but interesting fungal representations in the Christian cult, made known by authors such as John Allegro, ElΓ©mire Zolla, Gianluca Toro and Giorgio Samorini.

The Dreamtime Dreamers: the Myth, the Dream, the Center in the Australian and Native American tradition

Myth is the collective dream of a people: The Dream as a way to return to the Center. Lucubrations on "Dream Time" (Dreamtime) of the sacred tradition of Australian Aborigines and Native Americans, starting the speech from the film The last wave by Peter Weir.