Kernunnos: or of the perennial renewal of the cosmos

Primordial epiphany of the giver of life and death, archetypically connected to the dark forces of the natural world, the Celtic Cernunno was not only god of hunting and wild nature, but a real "cosmic god" ruler of the cycle of death-and - rebirth, as evidenced by the symbols attributed to it by traditional iconography: the stage with cervine horns, the torques and the horned snake.

"True Detective", between fantastic realism and metapolitics

Attached you can listen to our speech at last night's videoconference, "Metapolitics of TV Series" for GRECE Italie, focused on the esoteric implications of Nic Pizzolatto's first season "True Detective", which we have already had the opportunity to talk about on our pages.

The magic of the Mainarde: on the trail of the Janare and the Deer Man

A visit to Castelnuovo al Volturno, in Molise, allows us to give a face to the characters of local folklore, the Janare and "Gl'Cierv", and to resume some central mythical-traditional aspects ofΒ Cosmic-agrarian cults of ancient Eurasia.

The archaic substratum of the end of year celebrations: the traditional significance of the 12 days between Christmas and the Epiphany

di Marco Maculotti
article originally published on Atrium on 21/12/2016,
here revised and expanded

Here we aim to deepen the folkloric beliefs that have led to the configuration of two figures intimately connected to the liturgical-profane calendar of Europe in recent centuries. The two figures that interest us are those of Santa Claus (Italianized in Santa Claus) and of the Befana, figures that - as we will see - owe their origin and their symbolism to an archaic substratum, anthropologically recognizable in all those practices and beliefs (myths and rites) of the volk European (or rather eurasian), which elsewhere we have defined as "cosmic-agrarian cults" [cf. Cosmic-agrarian cults of ancient Eurasia].