The Dreamtime Dreamers: the Myth, the Dream, the Center in the Australian and Native American tradition

Myth is the collective dream of a people: The Dream as a way to return to the Center. Lucubrations on "Dream Time" (Dreamtime) of the sacred tradition of Australian Aborigines and Native Americans, starting the speech from the film The last wave by Peter Weir.

On the traditional conception of figurative art and its sacral function

As stated by historians of religions such as Coomaraswamy, Zimmer, Eliade and by esotericists such as GuΓ©non and Evola, in traditional societies every profane art or science is always accompanied by a "sacred science", which had "an organic-qualitative character and considering the nature as a whole, in a hierarchy of degrees of reality and forms of experience, of which forms the one linked to the physical senses is only a particular Β». Examples of this conception of art can be found in the bas-reliefs of Hindu times, but also in the rock representations dating back to the Cromagnon era.