Initiatory paths in Christian gnosis: the mosaic floor of Aquileia and the Pistis Sophia

Was original Christianity, Judeo-Christianity or Essene-Christianity, that doctrine that Christ handed over to his "pneumatic brother" James, a teaching that RenΓ© GuΓ©non saw impenetrably wrapped in the most discreet reserve, was it a gnosis? We can answer affirmatively by examining the representations of the large mosaic carpet inspired by Judeo-Christian themes present in the cathedral of Aquileia. Their peculiar iconography provides much more than a clue to support this thesis.

β€œThe Traveler of Agartha”: the magical realism of Abel Posse

In the initiatory novel by the Argentine writer and diplomat, published thirty years ago and set during the last bars of the Second World War, the "magical realism" of Pauwels and Bergier, the esoteric doctrines of the Theosophical School of the late nineteenth century, are combined. β€” which then influenced the Central European secret societies Thule and Vril β€” and the eastern legend of the underground kingdom of the Immortals. In the background, a Europe by now on its last legs and a Tibet that within a few years would have experienced the indelible tragedy of the Chinese invasion.