Ernst JΓΌnger, "At the Wall of Time": the "breaking level" and access to the "original fund"

On the occasion of Ernst JΓΌnger's birth anniversary (March 29, 1895) we are republishing our article focused on his work At the wall of time previously published in Barbadillo, Eumeswil and Il Centro Tirreno, here slightly revised and expanded.

RenΓ© GuΓ©non: "Gathering what is scattered"

On November 15, 1886, the esotericist René Guénon was born in Blois, France. As a tribute to him, we propose the reading of an excerpt from his work, published posthumously, "Symbols of Sacred Science", which deals with the theme of the primordial fragmentation of the Universal Man (Purusha, Prajāpati, Osiris, Adam Qadmon) and of its final reintegration into its original state.

On the traditional conception of figurative art and its sacral function

As stated by historians of religions such as Coomaraswamy, Zimmer, Eliade and by esotericists such as GuΓ©non and Evola, in traditional societies every profane art or science is always accompanied by a "sacred science", which had "an organic-qualitative character and considering the nature as a whole, in a hierarchy of degrees of reality and forms of experience, of which forms the one linked to the physical senses is only a particular Β». Examples of this conception of art can be found in the bas-reliefs of Hindu times, but also in the rock representations dating back to the Cromagnon era.

RenΓ© GuΓ©non: "The symbolism of the Zodiac in the Pythagoreans"

On the symbolism of the solstitial doors in the ancient Hellenic and Vedic tradition: Cancer and Capricorn, the "door of the gods" and the "door of men", the dΓͺva-loka and the pitri-loka of the Hindu tradition. Thus the traditional doctrines framed the zodiacal symbolism to the process of migration of souls from the celestial to the sublunar plane, and vice versa.

β€œThe Traveler of Agartha”: the magical realism of Abel Posse

In the initiatory novel by the Argentine writer and diplomat, published thirty years ago and set during the last bars of the Second World War, the "magical realism" of Pauwels and Bergier, the esoteric doctrines of the Theosophical School of the late nineteenth century, are combined. β€” which then influenced the Central European secret societies Thule and Vril β€” and the eastern legend of the underground kingdom of the Immortals. In the background, a Europe by now on its last legs and a Tibet that within a few years would have experienced the indelible tragedy of the Chinese invasion.

β€œAt the wall of time”: Ernst JΓΌnger's prophecies about the Age of the Titans

125 years ago, on March 29, 1895, Ernst JΓΌnger, one of the most important and original thinkers of the short century, was born in Heidelberg. Sixty years have passed since the publication of his work "At the wall of time" which, reread today, can only amaze us at the punctuality of the prophecies it contains about the world to come, the world in which we find ourselves living today: from the figure paradigmatic of the "unknown soldier" to the advent of the so-called "mass-man", passing through the phenomenon of the "disappearance of borders" and finally coming to highlight the work of destruction of the natural rhythms in which man has always been inserted, accomplished by means of the "titanism" of Science.

β€œAt the wall of time”: the question of history and the crisis of the modern world

Ernst JΓΌnger's work on cyclical time, published 60 years ago, marks the apex of what was called the "culture of the crisis", a current of thought focused on becoming aware of the drama of History and Historicism and on the image of time as an impetuous flow that overwhelms everything: intuitions that, before JΓΌnger, were brought to the surface by Oswald Spengler, RenΓ© GuΓ©non, Julius Evola and Mircea Eliade.

From Cybele to Demeter, the different faces of Mother Earth, or rather of the ecliptic

From the Phrygian tradition concerning Cybele, "goddess of the mountain and wild beasts", to the Indian tradition of Aditi, "inexhaustible source of abundance", up to the different Hellenic divinities such as Rhea, Demeter, Themes, Meti (without forgetting the various collective deities, always feminine, of destiny), an astrotheological reading emerges that can shed light on the aforementioned "Mother Goddesses of the Earth", provided that the latter is understood, following the studies of Santillana, Dechend and Richer (as well as the Platonic clues), in the meaning of ecliptic.

RenΓ© GuΓ©non: "The fissures of the great wall"

According to traditional symbolism, these "cracks" are produced in the "Great Wall" that surrounds our world and protects it against the intrusion of evil influences of the lower subtle realm: in the Islamic tradition through these "cracks" they will penetrate, as they approach of the end of the cycle, the devastating hordes of Gog and Magog, which Hindu tradition mentions as the demons Koka and Vikoka.

North-South: the first human dichotomy and the separation of the southern branch

Peoples almost totally devoid of material techniques, such as Pygmies and Bushmen, retain a background of rather complex religious structures that have not passed through the stage of an "original totemism", presupposed by a certain cultural anthropology of an evolutionary setting as one of the obligatory stages. of a hypothetical progressive trend. Hence the hypothesis of a very ancient diffusion of these pygmoid populations, perhaps to be put in relation with the Old Testament figure of Lilith and with other mythical characters of the archaic traditions, such as Vamana, the fifth avatara of Vishnu, who significantly appears in the sacred iconography with the likeness of a dwarf.

RenΓ© GuΓ©non: "The symbolism of the theater"

It can be said that the theater is a symbol of the manifestation, of which it expresses in the most perfect way possible the illusory character; and this symbolism can be considered either from the point of view of the actor, or from that of the theater itself. The actor is a symbol of the "Self", or rather of the personality, which manifests itself through an indefinite series of states and modalities, which can be regarded as so many different parts; and it should be noted the importance that the ancient use of the mask had for the perfect accuracy of this symbolism.

The esoteric futurism of the Russian Cosmists

Cosmism is the miracle of a synthesis that the West knew for the last time in the Renaissance and that took root in the Soviet Russia of the "space race" in the last century: an attitude rather than a real current, a crossroads of experiences and researches ranging from esoteric futurism to transcendental pragmatism, from magical realism to idealistic materialism, from humanism to transhumanism.

Towards β€œTimeWave Zero”: Psychedelia and Eschatology in Terence McKenna

In addition to being one of the "prophets" of the psychedelic Counterculture of the second half of the last century, Terence McKenna was able to build, in the course of thirty years of studies and experiments, a real eschatological system for the Third Millennium, in view of final explosion, based on the recovery of shamanic practices, on a new interpretation of the Sacred as "Mysterium Tremendum" and on the vision, beyond the ordinary dichotomy between life and death, of what he called an "Ecology of Souls".

The lonely path of cinnabar

"Misunderstood by friends and enemies, he fought alone against the modern world": this obituary to Julius Evola highlights the 'Promethean-Luciferian' daimon that accompanied him throughout his entire earthly journey, making him a unique thinker in the panorama of ' 900, as clearly emerges from his most autobiographical work, "The journey of the cinnabar", recently reprinted by Edizioni Mediterranee.

The end of the primordial age and the "Fall of Man"

Notes of a mythical-traditional nature on the esoteric history of humanity in the present Manvantara: from the Golden Age to the "Fall", from the "Sleep of Adam" to the "Original Sin", from the tripartition Adam-Eve-Lilith to the revolt of the Bear against the Boar.