Completing the Work: a pilgrimage in the Sansevero Chapel, in Naples

Visiting the temple conceived by Prince Raimondo di Sangro means taking part in a great collective history, branched out between artistic wonders and initiatory symbols. Even as spectators, it is an experience that should be done at least twice in a lifetime.

Around the sacred spatiality

The sacredness of temenos and the suspension of time alone give that order of meaning to the initiates and their living outside the temple itself, directing and decontextualizing them into something super-temporal and not linked to the contingent. Meditations around sacred spatiality: on the divine as center and circumference, the analogy between temple and heart, the symbolism of the sacred mountain and the omega point, the act of building and ordering as an imitatio of.

A Science in Tatters: Survival of the Doctrines of Cyclic Time from the Timaeus to the Apocalypse

di Andrew Casella
cover: William Blake, illustration for Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy

In the first article of this cycle [cf. Cyclic time and its mythological meaning: the precession of the equinoxes and the tetramorph], we have said that, at regular intervals, due to the precession, some alternations of constellations occur in the four cardinal points of the year. This is the reason why the sacred texts speak of certain "catastrophes" that determine some "submergence" of an old "earth" and the rise of a new one (at least up to a certain time in history). Each age of the world has its "earth", that is its ecliptic plane, delimited by the equinoxes and solstices, which emerges from the "sea", that is, from the demarcation plane of the celestial equator. When the points of the year are determined by other constellations, a new "earth" rises on the horizon, while the old one sinks below sea level.