Out now! ยซARTHOSยป n.29 / 2020

Finally, with a little delay due to the health situation, the 2020 register of ARTHOS (n.29 of the new series, Arya Edizioni - OICL), magazine of Traditional Studies founded in 1972 and directed by prof. Renato Del Ponte, on which I begin with a contribution extremely dear to me. Obviously, for me it is an absolute honor to have been invited to collaborate in the annual edition of this magazine which is not very historical to define as historical, and it is doubly so by virtue of the theme of the essay that bears my signature, given that it is a subject to which I personally care a lot: THE WORSHIP OF FAIRY IN CELTIC COUNTRIES: AN ESCATOLOGY OF DEATH AND REBIRTH.

Arthur Machen and the panic charm of the uncanny

The new special issue of zothique, magazine of fantastic and "weird" literature published by Dagon Press, in its over 230 pages allows us to retrace the life and work of Arthur Machen, a Welsh writer who between the end of the XNUMXth century and the beginning of the XNUMXth was able to look beyond the "veil of reality" and reveal the essence of "Great God Panโ€œ, Establishing himself as one of the greatest authors of supernatural fiction of his time.

The kidnappings of the Fairies and the mystery of the "Missing 411"

Every year dozens of people suddenly disappear in US National Parks, in unexplained situations and without leaving any trace; Detective David Paulides, who for decades has been studying these mysterious cases he defined as "Missing 411", has identified some recurring patterns which, analyzed with an eye to ancient traditions (both European and Native American), bring us back to the folklore beliefs concerning the "water-babies" and other feral entities residing in the "invisible world", to which it is sometimes believed that the human being, willy-nilly, is able to access, sometimes never to return to our world.

Towards โ€œTimeWave Zeroโ€: Psychedelia and Eschatology in Terence McKenna

In addition to being one of the "prophets" of the psychedelic Counterculture of the second half of the last century, Terence McKenna was able to build, in the course of thirty years of studies and experiments, a real eschatological system for the Third Millennium, in view of final explosion, based on the recovery of shamanic practices, on a new interpretation of the Sacred as "Mysterium Tremendum" and on the vision, beyond the ordinary dichotomy between life and death, of what he called an "Ecology of Souls".

Fairies, witches and goddesses: "subtle nourishment" and "bone renewal"

An analysis of some beliefs concerning the "subtle nourishment" of witches and fairy beings will lead us to the discovery of a recurring mythology through the millennia, from the archaic times of the shamanic cultures of hunters to the era of inquisitorial processes: that of the so-called "renewal of the bones ".

Who is hiding behind the mask? Visits from Elsewhere and the paraphysical hypothesis

The examination of the theories of John Keel and Jacques Vallรฉe based on the "paraphysical hypothesis", the "superspectrum" and the "thermostrate effect" allows us a reflection on the Other World and a parallelism with the cosmographic model and the "antichtลn ยปBy Filolaoย 

The kidnappings of the Fairies: the "changeling" and the "renewal of the lineage"

Our "Magonia" cycle continues with an analysis of the tales of kidnappings of human beings by the "fairy people", with particular attention to the phenomenon known as "changeling", the kidnappings of babies and nurses, the hypothesis of "Renewal of the feeric lineage" and, finally, a confrontation with the so-called "alien abductions".

The phenomenon of sleep paralysis: folkloric interpretations and recent hypotheses

The myths and the chronicles of folklore have transmitted to us with extreme clarity the way in which the ancients framed this phenomenon: surprisingly, all the chronicles and legends of antiquity agree in affirming that responsible for these disturbing experiences is a certain type of astral entities - sometimes labeled by modern minds as 'spirits', other times as 'demons', often also as 'fairies' and the like - who conduct their attacks only during the night, often pressing on the sleeping victim's body and sometimes entertaining with the subject has a sexual relationship. These entities, in various cultures, have been called in numerous ways, the best known of which to us Westerners are those of Latin derivation: 'succubi', 'nightmares' and 'larvae'.

di Marco Maculotti
cover: Johann Heinrich Fรผssli, Nightmare

Sleep paralysis, also called hypnagogic hallucination, is a sleep disorder in which, between sleep and wakefulness (therefore in the moment before falling asleep or in the instant before waking up) one suddenly finds himself unable to move. Most of the time, according to what those who suffer from this disorder say, the paralysis begins with a tingling sensation that goes through the body, reaching the head, inside which the subject feels a kind of hum "like a swarm of bees โ€or a sound similar to that of a washing machine or aโ€œ thumping and screeching of metal objects โ€. Often the victim of this experience tries to scream for help, managing at best to whisper faintly, also experiencing the unpleasant sensation of hearing his own voice suffocated by something abnormal.

Often, if the victim is in bed with someone, the latter cannot notice anything, to the point that often even the most disturbing phenomena (terrifying sounds and noises, incomprehensible voices, sometimes even strange unnatural lights coming from outside) succeed to arouse the attention of those who do not undergo the episode in first person. It can also happen that the succubus (which, if once the name for the mysterious entity causing the phenomenon, is now the term by which medical science refers to the 'victim') hears familiar voices - or, sometimes, even 'demonic' - calling him, or arguing with each other behind the subject's back or, worse still, whispering close to his neck, often from behind, in a disturbing voice.

Science believes that this abnormal state is due to the persistence of the state of atony that the muscles present during sleep and is caused by a discrepancy between the mind and the body: with the consequence that, although the brain is active and conscious and the subject can often see and perceive clearly what surrounds him, despite this the body remains in a state of absolute rest, to the point that any movement is precluded for the duration of the experience. Of course, science denies the reality of the experiences experienced during this mysterious experience, reducing them to mere hallucinations caused by equally mysterious alterations in the subjects' brain balance, which would occur at the exact moment of the transition between wakefulness and sleep โ€” and vice versa.