PDF / SLIDES: Parallelisms between Dante's infrworlds and the Indo-Buddhist and shamanic tradition of Asia

We make available for download the slides we used in the two conferences on Dante and the inframondi in the oriental tradition - that of yesterday for UniTreEdu and that of today at the General States of Psychedelia in Italy 2021. The notes are based on our essay with the same title forthcoming in the annual register of the magazine Β«ARTHOSΒ», n. 30 / year 2021.

Thousands of rock paintings dating back to the Ice Age discovered in the Amazon

Tens of thousands of paintings in red ocher dating to the last Ice Age, discovered in Colombia on a rock face that stretches for 13 km, shed light on the inhabitants of the Amazon and its incredible megafauna of more than 12.000 years ago. The "Lost Civilization" theorized by Colonel Percy H. Fawcett, which until a century ago seemed like science fiction, seems more and more real.

Terence McKenna and the "food of the gods"

Exactly 20 years ago, on April 3, 2000, Terence McKenna took off towards Hyperspace: for the occasion we review his book "Food of the Gods", recently republished in the Italian translation by Piano B editions, focused on the relationship of humanity through the millennia with the so-called "master plants", but which also critically dwells on the relationship of dependence of modern man with various drugs, legal and illegal, among which McKenna also includes television.

Mircea Eliade: "Science, idealism and paranormal phenomena"

Paranormal powers are not encountered exclusively with primitives, but also with yogis, fakiri, saints of all kinds, belonging to all sorts of civilizations. The necessities of the historicist argument forced de Martino to limit his comparisons to the paranormal powers of primitives and those of modern mediums. But the authenticity of the yogis' powers, for example, raises another problem: that of the lucid and rational conquest of these paranormal powers. It is therefore not necessary to consider only a "historical magical world" (the primitives) and a spontaneous but historically inauthentic regression in this world (the mediums): it is necessary to consider another world accessible, in principle, to everyone and at any historical moment.

Apollo the Destroyer: "coincidentia oppositorum" in hyperborean mysticism and eschatology

Although mostly considered in his "luminous" and "uranic" meaning, in the archaic tradition Apollo combines the most extreme dichotomies in his mystical and eschatology: the bow and the lyre, wisdom and "mania", depth and elevation, the catabasis and the journey in spirit to the White Island, the "Fall" of Being and the return of the Golden Age. Starting from ancient sources, we can find similar concepts not only to those of North Asian shamanism and Celtic spirituality, but even to the sacred vision of some modern poets β€” like Blake, Shelley and Yeats - whose Apollonian chrism will appear clearer to us if we analyze their β€œWeltanschauung” in the light of the Platonic and Heraclitean doctrines.

Auras and inner lights

Since the perception of a light characterizes the apparition of the divine, the luminous has always been associated with the numinous. The great dilemma that Walter Benjamin proposes is whether the visual impression is determined exclusively by the biology of the human eye or is also characterized by cultural and historical specificities. This contribution seeks to reconstruct how the experience of light in the West has changed over the centuries in intensity and suddenness and how its modes of manifestation have changed.

Towards β€œTimeWave Zero”: Psychedelia and Eschatology in Terence McKenna

In addition to being one of the "prophets" of the psychedelic Counterculture of the second half of the last century, Terence McKenna was able to build, in the course of thirty years of studies and experiments, a real eschatological system for the Third Millennium, in view of final explosion, based on the recovery of shamanic practices, on a new interpretation of the Sacred as "Mysterium Tremendum" and on the vision, beyond the ordinary dichotomy between life and death, of what he called an "Ecology of Souls".

Fairies, witches and goddesses: "subtle nourishment" and "bone renewal"

An analysis of some beliefs concerning the "subtle nourishment" of witches and fairy beings will lead us to the discovery of a recurring mythology through the millennia, from the archaic times of the shamanic cultures of hunters to the era of inquisitorial processes: that of the so-called "renewal of the bones ".

The possible connections between "Twin Peaks" and Germanic mythology

Already previously we had analyzed the esoteric elements of the successful television series by David Lynch & Mark Frost: in this new appointment we will focus specifically on the influences, identifiable in β€œTwin Peaks”, deriving from the Norse and Celtic tradition.

The magic of the Mainarde: on the trail of the Janare and the Deer Man

A visit to Castelnuovo al Volturno, in Molise, allows us to give a face to the characters of local folklore, the Janare and "Gl'Cierv", and to resume some central mythical-traditional aspects ofΒ Cosmic-agrarian cults of ancient Eurasia.

From Siberian Shamanism to Yungdrung BΓΆn: a hypothesis on the Prehistoric BΓΆn of Eurasia

Retrospective on the shamanism of Central and Northern Asia, starting with Mircea Eliade, and on its 'correspondences' with the ancient cult complex of the Prehistoric Bon of Eurasia, not to be confused with theΒ Yungdrung BΓΆn from the XNUMXth century