Hanns Hörbiger: the theory of Cosmic Ice

Taken from Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier «The morning of the wizards», Part II, chap. YOU

Ice and fire, repulsion and attraction fight eternally in the Universe. This struggle brings about life, death and the perpetual rebirth of the cosmos. A German writer, Elmar Brugg, wrote a work in praise of Hörbiger in 1952, in which he says:

“None of the doctrines that explain the Universe brought into play the principle of contradiction, of the struggle of two opposing forces, which nevertheless the soul of man has been feeding on for millennia. Hörbiger's undying merit is in powerfully resurrecting the intuitive knowledge of our ancestors through the eternal conflict of fire and ice, sung by the Edda. He exposed this conflict in the eyes of his contemporaries. He gave the scientific basis to this grandiose image of the world linked to the dualism of matter and force, of the repulsion it disperses and the attraction it unites. "

Hanns Hörbiger

It is therefore certain: the Moon will eventually fall to the Earth. There is a moment, some tens of millennia, when the distance from one planet to another seems fixed. But we will be able to realize that the spiral narrows. Gradually, over time, the Moon will get closer. The gravitational force it exerts on the Earth will increase. Then the waters of our oceans will unite in one permanent tide and rise, covering the lands, submerging the tropics and encircling the highest mountains. Living beings will find themselves progressively lightened in weight. They will get bigger. Cosmic rays will become more powerful. By acting on genes and chromosomes they will cause mutations. We will see new races, animals, plants and gigantic men appear. Then, as it gets closer, the Moon will burst, spinning at full speed and become an immense ring of stones, ice, water and gas, spinning faster and faster. Finally the ring will hit the Earth, and it will be the fall, the announced apocalypse. But if some men survive (the strongest, the best, the elect), strange and formidable spectacles will be reserved for them. And maybe the ultimate show.

After millennia without satellite in which the Earth will have known extraordinary superimpositions of ancient and new races, of civilizations originated by giants, restart beyond the flood, and immense cataclysms, Mars, smaller than our globe, will eventually reach it. It will enter the orbit of the Earth. But it is too big to be captured, to become, like the Moon, a satellite. It will pass very close to the Earth, it will touch it going to fall on the Sun, attracted by it, sucked by the fire. Then our atmosphere will suddenly be grabbed, pulled along by the gravitation of Mars, and it will leave us to get lost in space. Oceans will swirl boiling over the surface of the Earth, sweeping everything up, and the Earth's crust will burst. Our dead globe, continuing its spiral, will be reached by icy planetoids wandering in the sky, and will become a huge sphere of ice which in turn will throw itself into the Sun. After the collision there will be great silence, great immobility. , while for millions of years the water vapor will accumulate within the flaming mass. Finally, there will be another explosion for other creations in the eternity of the fiery forces of the cosmos.

Such is the fate of our solar system in the vision of the Austrian engineer whom the National Socialist leaders called "the Copernicus of the XNUMXth century". We will now describe this vision applied to the past, present and future history of the Earth and of men. It is a story which, through the "eyes of storm and struggle" of the prophet Hörbiger, resembles a legend, full of fabulous revelations and formidable oddities.

We were in 1948, I believed in Gurdjiev and one of his faithful disciples had kindly invited me to spend a few weeks with my family at her house in the mountains. That woman had real culture, the training of a chemistry student, sharp intelligence and firm character. She helped artists and intellectuals. After her Lue Dietrich and René Daumal, I owed her a debt of gratitude. She had nothing of the obsessed disciple, and the teaching of Gurdjiev, who sometimes stayed in her house, reached her through the sieve of reason. However one day, I caught her or thought I caught her in the act of irrationality. She suddenly revealed to me the depths of her delirium, and I remained dumb and terrified in front of her, as in front of an agony. A cold, starry night was descending on the snow, and we were chatting peacefully, leaning on the balcony of the cottage. We looked at the stars, as one looks at them in the mountains, experiencing an absolute solitude which is distressing elsewhere and, in the mountains, purifying. The relief of the Moon appeared sharply.

"We should rather say a moon," said my host, "one of the moons ..."
"What do you mean?"
“There have been other moons in the sky. This is the last one, just…”
"That? Would there have been other moons than this one?”
"Sure. Mr. Gurdjiev knows it, and others know it.”
"But, well, astronomers..."
«Oh, if you trust the scientists!…»

Her face was calm, she smiled with a tinge of compassion. From that day on I ceased to feel on the same level with certain friends of Gurdjiev whom I esteemed. They became fragile and disturbing beings in my eyes and I felt that one of the threads, which bound me to that group, had broken. A few years later, reading Gurdjiev's book, The Tales of Beelzebub, and discovering Hörbiger's cosmogony, I had to understand that this vision, or rather that belief, was not a simple somersault into the fantastic. There was a certain coherence between that bizarre story of moons and the philosophy of superman, the psychology of "higher states of consciousness," the mechanics of mutations. Finally, in the oriental traditions there was that history and the idea that some men, millennia ago, had been able to observe a sky different from ours, other constellations, another satellite. Had Gurdjiev done nothing but be inspired by Hörbiger whom he certainly knew? Or had he drawn on ancient sources of knowledge, traditions or legends, which Hörbiger had reiterated as if by chance in the course of his pseudo-scientific illuminations?

Hanns Hörbiger

[…] Thus, according to Hörbiger, the Moon, the one we see, would be only the last satellite captured by the Earth, the fourth. Our globe, in the course of its history, would have already picked up three. Three masses of cosmic ice wandering through space would enter our orbit, one after the other. They would begin to describe spirals around the Earth as they approached, then they would crash down on us. Our current Moon will also fall to Earth. But this time the catastrophe will be greater, because this latest ice satellite is larger than the previous ones. All the history of the globe, the evolution of species and all human history find their explanation in this succession of moons in our sky.

There have been four geological eras, because there have been four moons. We are in the quaternary. When a moon falls, it has already erupted, and, spinning faster and faster, it has turned into a ring of stones, ice and gas. This ring falls to Earth enveloping the earth's crust and fossilizing everything beneath it. In normal periods, buried organisms do not fossilize, they rot. They only fossilize when the moon falls. This is why we were able to distinguish a primary, a secondary and a tertiary epoch. However, since it is a ring, we have only very fragmentary testimonies on the history of life on Earth. Other animal and plant species have been able to emerge and disappear over time, without any trace of them remaining in the geological strata. But the theory of successive moons allows us to imagine the mutations undergone in the past by living forms. It also allows you to predict future mutations. During the period in which the satellite approaches, there is a moment of some hundreds of thousands of years when it revolves around the Earth at a distance equal to four to six Earth rays. Compared to the distance to our current Moon, it's close at hand. Gravitation has therefore changed considerably. Now, it is gravitation that determines the conformation of beings. They grow larger or smaller according to the weight they can bear.

When the satellite is close, there is therefore a period of gigantism. At the end of the primary: immense vegetables, gigantic insects. At the end of the secondary: the diplodocus, the iguanodons, the thirty-meter animals. Abrupt mutations occur, because cosmic rays are more powerful. The beings, relieved of weight, straighten up, the skulls widen, some beasts start to fly. Perhaps, at the end of the secondary, giant mammals appeared. And perhaps the first men, created by mutation. This period should be placed at the end of the secondary, at the time when the second moon revolves in the vicinity of the globe, about fifteen million years. It is the time of our ancestor, the giant. Mrs Blavatsky, who claimed to have heard of it since Book of the Dzvans, a text that would be the oldest of humanity and would tell the story of the origins of man, also ensured that a first human race, gigantic, would appear from the secondary:

"Secondary man will one day be discovered, and with him his long-buried civilizations."

In a night of time infinitely thicker than we think, here then, under a different moon, in a world of monsters, this immense first man who barely resembles us, and whose intelligence is different from ours. The first man, and perhaps the first human couple, twins expelled from an animal matrix, for a prodigy of mutations that multiply when cosmic rays are gigantic. Genesis tells us that the descendants of this ancestor lived from five hundred to nine hundred years: it depends on the fact that the weight reduction decreases the wear and tear of the organism. It does not speak to us of giants, but Jewish and Muslim traditions largely make up for this omission. Finally, some of Hörbiger's disciples argue that fossils of the secondary man have recently been discovered in Russia.

What may have been the forms of civilization of the giants. Fifteen million years ago? We imagine groups and ways of being traced on the giant insects coming from the primary, of which our current insects, still so strange, are the degenerate descendants. We imagine great powers to communicate at a distance, civilizations founded on the model of psychic and material energy centers formed, for example, by termite mounds, which pose to the observer many puzzling problems on the unknown fields of the infrastructures - or super-structures - of the intelligence.

The second moon will approach again, it will burst into a ring and hit the Earth which will experience a new and long period without a satellite. In distant spaces a spiraling glacial formation will reach the orbit of the Earth which will thus capture a new moon. But in the period in which no large sphere shines on the heads, only a few examples of the mutations that occurred at the end of the secondary survive and which will subsist as they diminish in proportions. There are still giants, which adapt. By the time the tertiary moon appears, ordinary, smaller and less intelligent men have already been formed - our true ancestors. But the giants that came out of the secondary and that have overcome the cataclysm, still exist and will civilize the little men.

The idea that men, starting from the bestial and savage state, have slowly risen to civilization, is recent. It is a Judeo-Christian myth imposed on consciences to drive out a more powerful and more revealing myth. When humanity was more recent, closer to its past, at a time when no well-woven conspiracy had yet removed it from its own memory, it knew that it was descended from the gods, from the giant kings who had taught it everything. She remembered a golden age in which the superiors, born before her, taught agriculture, metallurgy, the arts, sciences and the government of the soul. The Greeks remembered the age of Saturn and the gratitude their ancestors had for Hercules. The Egyptians and the peoples of Mesopotamia kept the legends of the initiating giant kings. The peoples we today call "primitive", the indigenous people of the Pacific, for example, mix their religion, undoubtedly mongrelized, with the cult of the good giants, of the principle of the world. In our age, in which all the data of the spirit and of knowledge have been inverted, men who have made the formidable effort to escape the official ways of thinking, find at the source of their intelligence the nostalgia for the happy times of the dawn of the ages. , of a lost paradise, the veiled memory of a primordial initiation.

Hanns Hörbiger

From Greece to Polynesia, Egypt to Mexico and Scandinavia, all traditions report that men were initiated by giants. It is the golden age of the tertiary, lasting many millions of years, during which moral, spiritual, and perhaps technical civilization reaches its apogee on the globe. “When the giants were still mixed with men, in the times when no one ever spoke”writes Hugo with extraordinary illumination.

The tertiary moon, whose spiral narrows, approaches the Earth. The waters rise, attracted by the gravitation of the satellite, and men, more than nine hundred thousand years ago, rise to the highest peaks of the mountains with the giants, their king. On those peaks, over the raised oceans that form a kind of ring around the Earth, men and their Superiors will found a world maritime civilization in which Hörbiger and his English disciple Bellamy see the Atlantean civilization.

Bellamy notices in the Andes, at four thousand meters, traces of marine sediments that extend for seven hundred kilometers. The waters of the end of the tertiary sector reached up there and one of the centers of civilization of this period would be Tiahuanaco, near Lake Titicaca. The ruins of Tiahuanaco testify to a civilization hundreds of times thousands of years old, and which does not resemble any later civilizations (The German archaeologist Von Hagen, author of a work published in French with the title Au royale des Incas, collected an oral tradition of the Indians of the place at Lake Titicaca according to which "Tiahuanaco was built before there were stars in the sky").

For Hörbiger's followers the traces of the giants are as visible as their inexplicable monuments. There is, for example, a nine-ton stone which has holes three meters high on its six faces, incomprehensible to architects, as if their function had been forgotten by all the builders who have existed in history. Some porches measure three meters high and four meters wide, and are cut out of a single block of stone with doors, false windows, and chiseled sculptures, all weighing ten tons. Wall panels, still standing, weigh sixty tons, supported by hundred-ton stoneware blocks planted like cones in the ground. In the midst of these fabulous ruins rise gigantic statues of which only one has been brought down and placed in the garden of the muse of La Paz. It measures eight meters high and weighs twenty tons. Everything invites Hörbiger's followers to see in these statues portraits of giants that they themselves executed.

“From the features of the face comes to our eyes and also to our heart, an expression of sovereign goodness and sovereign wisdom. A harmony of the whole being emanates from the whole colossus whose nobly stylized hands and body rest in a balance that has a moral value. Rest and peace flow from the marvelous monolith. If it is the portrait of one of the giant kings who ruled that people, one cannot help but think of this beginning of a sentence by Pascal: "If God would give us masters of his hand ...". "

If those monoliths were carved and raised by giants for their disciples, men; if the sculptures of extreme abstraction, of a stylization so strong as to confuse our intelligence, were executed by those Superiors, we find in them the origin of the myths according to which the arts were taught to men by gods, and the key to the different mystiques of aesthetic inspiration.

Among those sculptures are stylizations of an animal, the todoxon, whose bones were discovered in the ruins of Tiahuanaco. Now, it is known that the todoxon could only live in the tertiary sector. Finally, in those ruins that would precede the end of the tertiary by a hundred thousand years, sunk in the dry mud there is a ten-ton portico, whose decorations were studied by the German archaeologist Kiss, a disciple of Hörbiger, between 1928 and 1937. It would be a calendar compiled on the basis of the observations of tertiary astronomers. This calendar records rigorously scientific data. It is divided into four distinct parts by the solstices and equinoxes which mark the astronomical seasons. Each of the seasons is divided into three sections, and in the twelve subdivisions the position of the Moon is visible for each hour of the day. Furthermore, the two movements of the satellite, the apparent and the real one, taking into account the rotation of the Earth, are indicated on that fabulous sculpted portico, so that it is necessary to think that those who made and used that calendar had a higher culture than ours.

Tiahuanaco, more than four thousand meters above the Andes, was therefore one of the five great cities of the maritime civilization of the end of the Tertiary, built by the giant leaders of men. Horbiger's disciples find there traces of a great port, with its enormous docks, whence the Atlanteans, since this is undoubtedly Atlantis, set off, aboard perfect vessels, to go round the world on the ring of the oceans and touched the other four great centers: New Guinea, Mexico, Abyssinia, Tibet. Thus that civilization was spread over the whole world, which explains the similarities between the oldest known traditions of mankind.

At the extreme degree of unity, refinement of knowledge and means, men and their giant kings know that the spiral of the third moon is shrinking and that the satellite will eventually fall, but they are aware of the relations of all things in the cosmos. , of the magical relationships of being with the universe, and no doubt they use certain powers, certain individual and collective energies, techniques and spiritual ones to delay the cataclysm and prolong the Atlantean age, whose confused memory will remain through the millennia.

When the tertiary moon falls, the waters will abruptly subside, but forerunner upheavals will have already damaged that civilization. Once the oceans have subsided, the five great cities, including the Atlantis of the Andes, will disappear, isolated, asphyxiated by the subsidence of the waters. The traces are most evident in Tiahuanaco, but Hörbiger's disciples discover them elsewhere.

Hanns Hörbiger with his son Alfred

In Mexico, the Toltecs left sacred texts that tell the history of the Earth in a way that conforms to Hörbiger's thesis. In New Guinea the malekula indigenous people continue, no longer realizing what they are doing, to raise immense carved stones that measure more than ten meters high and represent the superior ancestor, and their oral tradition that makes the Moon the creator of the gene human, predicts the fall of the satellite.

The Mediterranean giants allegedly descended from Abyssinia after the cataclysm and tradition makes that plateau the cradle of the Jewish people and the homeland of the Queen of Sheba, holder of the ancient sciences. Finally, it is known that Tibet is a reservoir of very ancient knowledge based on psychology. As if to confirm the vision of Hörbiger's disciples, in 1957 a curious work appeared in England and France entitled The Third Eye which bears the signature of Lobsang Rampa. The author assures that he is a lama who has reached the last degree of initiation. He could be one of the Germans sent on a special mission to Tibet by the Nazi leaders. He describes his descent under the guidance of three great Lamaist metaphysicians, a crypt in Lhasa where the real secret Tibet would be found.

“I saw three black stone sarcophagi decorated with strange carvings and inscriptions. They weren't closed. Glancing inside, he caught my breath. "Look, son," the dean of the abbots told me. “They lived like gods in our country at the time when there were no mountains yet. They traveled our soil when the seas washed our shores and when other stars shone in our skies. Look carefully, because only the initiates have seen them ». I obeyed, fascinated and terrified at the same time. Three naked bodies, covered with gold, stretched out before my eyes. All their features were faithfully reproduced from gold. But they were huge! The woman measured more than three meters, and the largest of the men no less than five. Their heads were large, slightly conical at the top, the jaw was narrow, the mouth was small, the lips thin. The nose was long and fine, the eyes straight and deeply sunken ... I examined the lid of one of the sarcophagi. There was a map of the heavens engraved, with very strange stars. "

(Note that a sky chart was found in a cave in Bohistan, in the foothills of the Himalayas, which is very different from the charts established today. Astronomers think that these are observations that may have been made thirteen thousand years ago. This chart was published by National Geographic Magazine in 1925). And he writes again, after that descent into the crypt:

“In ancient times, thousands and thousands of years ago, days were shorter and hotter. Great civilizations arose and men were more cultured than now. A planet arose from outer space and collided with the Earth. The winds agitated the seas which, due to the effect of various gravitational thrusts, poured onto the Earth. Water covered the globe which was shaken by earthquakes and Tibet ceased to be a hot country, a maritime station.”

Bellamy, an archaeologist who follows Hörbiger, finds traces of the catastrophes that preceded the fall of the tertiary moon around Lake Titicaca: volcanic ash, deposits from sudden floods. It is the moment when the satellite is about to burst into a ring and spin madly at a minimum distance from the Earth, before falling. Around Tiahuanaco certain ruins suggest construction sites abruptly abandoned, with tools scattered around.

The other Atlantean civilization knows for a few thousand years the attacks of the elements, and dissolves. Then, one hundred and fifty thousand years ago, the cataclysm occurs, the moon falls, a terrible bombardment hits the Earth. The attraction ceases, the ring of waters falls immediately, the seas retreat, subside again. The peaks, which used to be large maritime stations, are isolated by endless swamps. The air becomes rare, the heat ceases. Atlantis does not die buried, but on the contrary because it was abandoned by the waters. Ships are dragged and destroyed, machines sink or explode, food that came from outside is missing, death destroys myriads of beings, scientists and sciences have disappeared, social organization is annihilated.

If the Atlantean civilization had reached the highest possible degree of social and technical perfection, of hierarchy and unity, it could evaporate in a very short time, leaving almost no traces. Think what the disappearance of our civilization could be in a few hundred years, or even in a few years. The devices that emit energy, like those that transmit it, are becoming increasingly simple, and the relays are becoming more and more numerous. Soon each of us will possess nuclear energy relays, for example, or will live near such relays: workshops or machines, until the day when an accident at the source will be enough for everything to evaporate simultaneously on the immense chain of those relays: men , cities, nations. Everything that is not in contact with high technical civilization will be spared. And the key sciences, such as the keys to power, will suddenly disappear, due to the extreme degree of specialization. They are the greatest civilizations that disappear in an instant, without transmitting anything. This view is irritating to the spirit, but it risks being accurate. Thus one can think that the power plants and relays of psychic energy, which was perhaps the basis of the civilization of the tertiary sector, have completely and simultaneously failed, while deserts of mud surrounded the peaks which had become cold, on which the air became unbreathable. More simply, the maritime civilization, with its Superiors, its ships, its exchanges, vanishes in the cataclysm.

The survivors just have to descend towards the marshy plains that the sea has discovered, towards the immense bogs of the new continent, just freed from the retreat of the tumultuous waters, where only useful vegetation will appear over the course of millennia. The giant kings are at the end of their reign; men have gone wild again and sink with their fallen gods into the deep moonless nights that the globe is about to know.

The giants who had inhabited this world for millions of years, similar to the gods who will be found in our legends much later, have lost their civilization. The men they reigned over have become brutes again. This fallen humanity, behind its powerless lords, scatters in hordes in the deserts of slime. This fall would take place XNUMX years ago, and Hörbiger calculates that our planet remains without a satellite for XNUMX years. During this immense period, some civilizations are reborn under the rule of the last giant kings. They settle on high plains, between the fortieth and sixtieth degree north latitude, while on the five high peaks of the tertiary something remains of the distant golden age. There would therefore have been two Atlanteans: that of the Andes, which radiated over the world, with its other four points; and the much more modest north Atlantic one, founded long after the catastrophe by the descendants of the giants. This thesis of the two Atlanteans makes it possible to integrate all the ancient traditions and tales. It is of this second Atlantis that Plato speaks.

Hanns Hörbiger

Twelve thousand years ago the Earth picked up a fourth satellite: our current Moon. A new catastrophe occurs. Our globe assumes its shape surveyed in the tropics. The seas of the north and south flow back towards the central part of the Earth and in the north the ice ages begin again on the abandoned plains of air and water attracted by the new moon. The second Atlantean civilization, more limited than the first, disappears in one night, swallowed up by the northern waters. It is the Deluge which is remembered in the Bible. It is the Fall remembered by the men who were simultaneously driven out of the earthly paradise of the tropics. For Hörbiger's followers, the myths of Genesis and the Flood are both reminiscences and prophecies, since cosmic events will repeat themselves. And the text ofApocalypse, which has never been explained, would be a faithful translation of the celestial and terrestrial catastrophes observed by men over time and conforming to Hörbiger's theory.

In this new high moon period the living giants degenerate. Mythologies are full of battles between giants, battles between men and giants. These, who had been kings and gods, now, crushed by the weight of the sky, exhausted, become monsters to be hunted. Their fall is the lower the higher their ascent had been. They are the orcs of legends, Uranus and Saturn devour their children. David kills Goliath. As Hugo says again, they see themselves: horrible stupid giants conquered by dwarves full of intelligence. It is the death of the gods. The Jews, when they enter the Promised Land, will discover the monumental iron bed of a missing giant king: "And behold, his bed was of iron, nine cubits long, and four wide."(Deuteronomy).

The ice star that lights up our nights has been picked up by the Earth and revolves around it. Our Moon was born. For twelve thousand years we have not ceased to make it a vague cult, full of unconscious reminiscences, to give it a restless attention whose meaning we do not understand very well. When we contemplate it, we continue to feel something moving in the depths of our larger memory of ourselves. Ancient Chinese designs depict the lunar dragon threatening the globe. We read in the Numbers (XIII, 33): "And behold, we saw the giants, the sons of Anak who are descended from the giants, and in our eyes we were as crickets before them - and in their eyes we were as crickets". And Job (XXVI, 5) remembers the destruction of the giants and exclaims: "The dead beings are under the water, and the ancient inhabitants of the Earth…".

A world has sunk, a world has disappeared, the ancient inhabitants of the Earth have disappeared, and we begin our life as lonely men, little abandoned men, waiting for future changes, prodigies and cataclysms, in a new night of the times, under this new satellite that reaches us from the spaces where the struggle between ice and fire is perpetuated. Almost everywhere men blindly repeat the feats of extinct civilizations, they erect gigantic monuments, without knowing why, repeating, in decadence, the works of the ancient masters: they are the immense megaliths of Malekula, the Celtic menhirs, the statues of Easter island. Populations that we today call "primitive" are undoubtedly the degenerated remains of vanished empires that repeat, without understanding them and bastardizing them, acts formerly regulated by rational administrations.

In certain places, in Egypt, in China, much later in Greece, great human civilizations arise, but which preserve the memory of the disappeared Superiors, of the giant initiating kings, after four thousand years of culture, the Egyptians of the time of Herodotus and Plato they continue to claim that the greatness of the ancients stems from the fact that they learned the arts and sciences directly from the gods. After many decays, another civilization will be born in the West. A civilization of men detached from their fabulous past, limited in time and space, reduced to themselves, and in search of mythical consolations, exiled from their origins and unaware of the immensity of the destiny of living things linked to vast cosmic movements. A human, humanistic civilization: the Judeo-Christian civilization. It is tiny. It is a residue. And yet this remnant of the great past soul has unlimited possibilities for pain and understanding. It is the miracle of this civilization. But it is at its end. We are approaching another era. Mutations are about to occur. The future is about to shake hands with the more distant past. The earth will see the giants again. There will be other floods, other apocalypses, and other races will reign.

“At first we retained a relatively clear memory of what we had seen. Then this life rose in wisps of smoke, quickly obscured everything but a few broad lines. Now everything comes back to mind with greater clarity than ever before.”

And in the universe where everything affects everything, we will form deep waves. […] According to Hörbiger we are therefore in the fourth cycle. Life on Earth has known three heights, during the three Low Moons Periods, with abrupt changes, appearances of giants. During the moonless millennia, dwarf and prestige races have appeared, and animals that drag themselves along, such as the snake that remembers the Fall. During the high moons, the middle-races, undoubtedly the common men of the tertiary principle, our ancestors. We must also think that the moons, before their fall, act circularly around the Earth, creating different conditions in the parts of the globe that are not below that belt. Thus, after many cycles, the Earth offers a very varied spectacle: races in decay, races on the rise, intermediate beings, degenerates and apprentices of the future, heralds of near changes and slaves of yesterday, dwarves of ancient nights and Lords of tomorrow. In all this we must clear the way of the sun with an eye as implacable as the law of the stars is implacable. What occurs in the sky determines what occurs on earth, ”but there is reciprocity. As the secret and order of the universe reside in the smallest grain of sand, the movement of the millennia is contained in a certain sense in the short space of our passage on this globe, and we must in our individual soul as in the collective soul, repeating past falls and ascents, and preparing for future apocalypses and ascents. We know that the whole history of the cosmos is related to the struggle between ice and fire and that this struggle has powerful reflections down here. On the human plane, on the plane of the intellect and the heart, when the fire is no longer held, ice comes. We know this for ourselves and for the whole of humanity which is eternally placed before the choice between the flood and the epic.

(taken from L. Pauwels and J. Bergier, «The morning of the magicians», first French edition 1960)

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