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Pluto and the transits of the times

In 2009 Pluto, "lord of the seed" - whose cycle lasting about 248 years favors the "diversification of generations" - returned to Capricorn, a position he held in the second half of the eighteenth century when the advent of the Enlightenment occurred . Here we try to analyze how the Plutonic influences have influenced the history of the last centuries, highlighting all the zodiacal transits that have taken place from 1763 to today, sign by sign.

di Hiranya Mriga
originally published on

Although the names of the three invisible planets [1] have been conferred in modern times, as happens in reality for all entitiesΒ [2], they are perfectly appropriate to the object; since it is the stars, moved by the Demiurge in an uninterrupted creative-conservative-transformative act, that determine them beyond human intentions. So that Uranus really has to do with the homonymous Hellenic mythological character designating the lord of the sky. The Lord of Heaven is also a golden god, exactly like his Sanskrit counterpart Cousinna, and as such he is also lord of the beginnings. Therefore we understand why contemporary astrologers, who, moreover, unlike their distant predecessors understand little of mythology, assign power over the initiates to this star; as well as the power of decision, which is a consequence on the level of preparation for the implementation of a volitional choice.

La morpurgo, a traditionally heretical writer in the astrological field but still capable as a researcher [3], he wrote on the subject a few decades ago: "Uranus has a dynamic function that leverages every foothold to create or destroy, depending on how much the circumstances require. (the inversion of the present infinitives and the subjunctive are ours) ". Who materialistically among the astronomers doubts or even refuses [4] to take astrological science seriously, denying or misunderstanding even philology in this regardΒ [5], does not realize that the symbolic passing of human life is also based on the seven visible stars. So much so that a famous psalm [6] he affirms about the question: seventy years is the life of man, 80 for the most robust. Where does this vision of seventy years come from as an almost insurmountable human limit, from the common existential practice? No, fromEbdomade, the symbolic septenary according to which each of the seven planets governs a decade of our existence.

So the tender and maternal Luna presides over our life from birth to ten years (childhood), the reckless but intelligent Mercury it influences us above all with its vivacity from eleven to twenty (adolescence), the joyful and sensual Venus particularly from twenty-one to thirty (falling in love and marriage) [7], the fiery and mighty Sun from thirty-one to forty (maturity), the selfish and violent Mars from forty-one to fifty (career), the generous and elderly Jupiter from fifty-one to sixty (parental life), the obstinate and skeletal Saturn from sixty-one to seventy (old age). Those who go beyond are influenced by the dynamic Uranus and in general the limit in this case is constituted by the 84. Others, however, more rarely receive the placid influence of Nettuno and they reach, or even exceed, ninety. Who even more rarely reaches 100 years and beyond is naturally under the aegis of the histrionic Pluto, dispositor of the deepest vital forces.

The three trans-Saturnian planets, which unlike Morpurgo we would prefer to define as 'very slow' as they are generational (as opposed to the three pre-Saturnians, the real 'slow' ones, and the three rapid sub-solar ones) [8] therefore they do not have a great influence on human life. Apart from Uranus, which is an exception being visible, and extends life as we have reported beyond eighty years. Since the uranium cycle lasts c. 80-85 years. Will it really be a coincidence that many today die in such a fateful period? (Uranus, as lord of the new, is also the planet of modernity). Instead, it is said of Neptune that governs fashions and that cycle of periodic transformations that occurs c. each 160-65. Neptune, moreover, pushes towards the distant [9]in a cosmographic sense, presiding over the emigration of peoples and individuals; or in an ideological sense, creating the juxtapositions of the various theories in every field. Even art and philosophy are influenced by it. [...]

[Instead] Pluto in c. 245-250 years through which he spends from one Sign to another, being the lord of the seed, he favors the diversification of generations. Let's say, always with Morpurgo [10], that while the martial symbolism has the Phallus as its emblem, the plutonic one is marked by the Testicles. However, it is necessary to distinguish the dominion of Saturn, who is lord of the seeds as treasurer who reduces everything to the essential and therefore governs everything that is hard like stone, bone like skeleton, dry like seed or arid like old age, from the domain of Pluto. The latter represents the seed, whether animal or vegetable, as a fecundating and generative principle. On the contrary, the saturnine effect (dryness), being opposite to the lunar effect (humidity), dries up the seed and keeps it for future regeneration. This is the reason why in the solar year Saturn rules Capricorn and Aquarius, that is to say the period from December 21st to February 20th. In short, the height of winter. [...]

To understand what was stated [concerning the "diversification of generations" according to the transits of Pluto] it must be remembered that the eighteenth century, exactly 1763, was a very important cyclical starting point. At that time the world was dominated by 4 great powers: England, France, Austria and Spain; to which Prussia and Russia were added at that moment, which were later used by England to produce great upheavals of ideas in a conservative or progressive sense respectively. There Anglo-French War (also known as the 'Seven Years'), started in 1756 with Pluto in Sagittarius and which took place on the double European (Silesia) and cross-Atlantic (North American colonies) front, it ends precisely in that year with the double Peace of Paris and Hubertusburg. The British Lion, victorious with the help of Prussia, curbs the impetus of the coalition formed by France, Austria, Russia and the Germanic states (established as a confederation only in 1815). The latter represented a pre-figuration of the Holy Alliance [11], also founded in 1815 for defensive purposes by those monarchs who feared the new liberal ideas. The only one to oppose and protect the liberals was obviously England, the home of liberalism.

Therefore, as mentioned above, 1763 was an important year, since in 1763 Pluto - the planet that rules the generations - it entered Capricorn, bringing about the beginning of that movement of ideas called the Enlightenment. However, Enlightenment rationalism was only the external face of a more complex movement of ideas of a saturnian-satanic character, having its apex in the equivocal association ofIlluminati of Bavaria, which happened to be founded in the same year in which the Declaration of Independence from the United Kingdom by G. Washington on behalf of the new Federal Republic of the United States (1776). Surely a staging to free the English from the European aristocratic ideas in favor of the liberal ones, given that the ancestors of today's Anglo-Saxon dynasty rested their power since the English Revolution of 1649 on Parliament and not on the Knights. L'Habeas Corpus Act of 1679, formally born to protect from arbitrary imprisonment and to guarantee personal freedoms, was in reality an act of support to Parliament, which saw at the same time the foundation of parliamentary bipolarism (the Whig and theΒ Tory Party), who contributed to the victory of the new aristocracy of wealth over the old one of blood. In the period 1660-88 the Restoration of the Monarchy by the Stuarts took place after 21 years of republican rule (1649-60), but later the ancestors of the current Windsors, namely the Hanoverians, took power again.

[…] Since then, Europe and the world have gone through 10 stages of development that have led us to today's terrible one. The passage of Pluto in Aquarius between 1777 and 1796 uranically led first to the founding of the US federal state and then to the Terror of French Revolution; in short, to sudden and unexpected changes. Bonapartism, the Congress of Vienna of 1814-5, the Early Romanticism (Sturm und Drang) and generally a new restorative attitude are under the Jovian aegis of Pluto in Pisces (1776-1821). With Pluto in Aries (1821-51) instead, there is a tendency to break with previous traditions. Forced European industrialization, the carbonare struggles and the projects for new political arrangements are the work of this peculiar historical moment.

Pluto in Taurus (1851-82) for his part he will create the second romanticism, more popular and concrete than the previous one at the beginning of the century; positivism, pragmatism, the materialistic conception of history and a naturalistic view of the world are born with this passage. With Pluto in Gemini (1882-1913) otherwise everything is called into question and ambiguous phenomena such as Decadentism, Crepuscularism and Existentialism; although incoherently they are associated with a futuristic attitude, which will then form the basis of Dadaism. However, this is a period rich in notable cultural and intellectual stimuli (see the birth, respectively in 1886 and 1898, of great writers such as RenΓ© GuΓ©non and Julius Evola), but also characterized by the mercurial use of the word end in itself (Gabriele D'Annunzio, Vladimir Mayakovskji).

The push towards the 'New World' [...] theorized by the Illuminati with Pluto in Capricorn only now, at the next entry of Pluto into the Descending Arc of its cycle (co-significant of the annual solar one), will bear its positive or negative fruits depending on the point of view. But it is with Pluto in Cancer (1913-38) that certain futuristic-decadent perspectives heirs of the second romanticism take hold, starting with first Great War. And then, to follow, from October Revolution (1917) in Russia and sincerise of Fascism, Nazism and Franchism in Italy, Germany and Spain respectively.

The entry of Pluto in Leo (1938-57) leads to second World War, with the resistance phase of solar eradication of the old regimes of a lunar character (false rootedness in the homeland traditions), and with the birth of an exhibitionist, leonine and fiery generation; that belatedly, after the transit of Pluto in Virgo (1957-71) it will try to restore the previous golden-resistance climate at the end of the Sixties. It is usually to this generation that he is charged abandoning the traditions of rural Europe of the first half of the century, but industrialization had taken hold long ago. In the Virginian-Mercurial period we see rather one second industrializing phase, post-capitalist, which will prepare the advent of the 'Global Village'. At the same time, with resumption of pre-resistance pseudomites, which will therefore clash with the others. On the other hand, virginialism will hold an intermediate position between the other two.

At the stage with Pluto in Libra (1971-84) we witness a hedonistic return, as well as the dismantling in a not too violent form of the state and organizational structures created during the passage into Cancer. Although it is only with Pluto in Scorpio (1984-95) that will happen definitive collapse of the Soviet Empire, especially since the fall of the Berlin Wall in 89. Pluto's arrival in his home creates those underworld aspects of the contemporary world that we are still experiencing today. In fact the great Israeli-Palestinian crisis today, which began with Pluto in Leo, resumes exactly in that period to give its evil fruits with Arab terrorism and the chain reactions to it. The war in Afghanistan and that between Iraq and Iran will eventually lead to the Taliban seizure of power on the one hand and the invasion of Kuwait on the other, as well as the resulting Gulf War.

Pluto in Sagittarius (1995-2009), that is in a sign of fire but characterized by Jupiter, the level of clashes increases even if in this case the ethno-religious factor appears fundamental: the apocalyptic split of Yugoslavia is the premise, the War on Terror against the Islamic world the logical conclusion. This is the twelfth phase of the passage of Pluto through the Zodiac, after the first in Capricorn (the foundation of the Enlightenment) and the other ten referenced to it from Aquarius to Scorpio.


[1] Uranus is actually not invisible, but it was never taken into consideration by the ancients. Either because it escaped the observations of the simple means of astronomical research at their disposal, or because the use of an eighth planet did not fall within their symbolic expressive canons. The fact that it is invisible and yet it is taken into account in astrological evaluations shows that Astrology as a traditional science is not based at all on the apparent motion of the stars around the earth (i.e. according to the Ptolemaic conception), as is generally believed, but rather on the real influences emanating from the stars regardless of their visibility or invisibility, effective sidereal belonging to a given asterism or not. The problem is that today unfortunately there is a tendency to confuse Astronomy, which is a science in solidarity with the Astrology from which it was born, with Astrophysics which is instead a modern science.

[2] See G.Acerbi in this regard,Β Shamanism and Tradition - Symmetry, Rome (in prep.).

[3] L. Morpurgo, Introduction to Astrology and deciphering of the Zodiac- Longanesi & C., Milan 1972, Chapter III, p.64.

[4] This is the case, just to mention a well-known name, of the nice Tuscan astronomer Margherita Hack.

[5] G. Acerbi, Life is of extra-terrestrial origin? -On the slopes of Meru (19-01-06),Β on line, px, nx

[6] Ps.-xc. 10.

[7] Perhaps not entirely by chance this was still in the early seventies the beginning of the age of majority in our country.

[8] In the geocentric based Ptolemaic and pre-Ptolemaic astrological tradition, the sun itself is a planet. Hence the succession of the seven stars that the eye sees turning around us in an apparent act of rotation, as demonstrated by the subsequent heliocentric theory, must be understood in relation to the rapidity of their motion. This is why the Moon constitutes the First Heaven and Saturn the Seventh, in symbolic superimposition.

[9] Morpurgo, op.cit.Β p.66.

[10] Op.cit., P.68.

[11] The British Kingdom laid the foundations of its politico-economic expansion during the Elizabethan Period (1558-1603), when Elizabeth I overthrew the Spanish hegemony.

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