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Live video: β€œAliens, Demons, Spirits”. Meeting with Gianluca Marletta

Tomorrow evening at 21:00 it will air on the our YouTube channel the fifth appointment of the summer cycle of conferences and presentations. This time our guest will be Gianluca Marletta, author of two books on the "alien myth" influenced by the so-called "Paraphysical hypothesis"of Jacques Vallee e John Keel, which we got to talk about last April at first national convention of ufology and esotericism.



In his essay Ufo and Aliens. Origin, history and prodigi of a pseudo-religion (Irfan Edizioni, 2017) and before that in Extraterrestrials. The occult roots of a modern myth (Rubettino, 2011, co-written with Enzo Pennetta), Gianluca Marletta tackles the "alienological" question from a varied perspective, with contributions drawn from anthropology, science, news, theology and metaphysics. A disconcerting and unrecognized story that spans a century of modern history and imagination: from the links between Positivism and Occultism to the birth of the "extraterrestrial myth"; from Spiritualism to Crowley's "transdimensional aliens"; from the first UFO sightings to the postwar "secret technologies"; from the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis to the Paraphysical and Demonological Hypothesis; from the phenomenon of "kidnappings" to that of possessions.Β 


Gianluca Marletta, born in Rome in 1971, graduated in Medieval History at the University of RomaTre and in Religious Sciences at the Pontificia Universitas Lateranensis. Religion teacher, lecturer and columnist, he has published various essays on historical-religious and anthropological themes.

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