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Audio Conferences

Conferences of Marco Maculotti:

Experience sacred & experience psychedelic

[soundcloud url = "″ params = "color = # 20a32c & auto_play = false & hide_related = false & show_comments = true & show_user = true & show_reposts = false & show_teaser = true & visual = true" width = "100%" height = "450 β€³ iframe =" true "/]

T between fantastic realism and metapolitics

[soundcloud url = "″ params = "color = # 20a32c & auto_play = false & hide_related = false & show_comments = true & show_user = true & show_reposts = false & show_teaser = true & visual = true" width = "100%" height = "450 β€³ iframe =" true "/]

Beyond the real: the two masks by HP Lovecraft

[soundcloud url = "″ params = "color = # e30a16 & auto_play = false & hide_related = false & show_comments = true & show_user = true & show_reposts = false & show_teaser = true & visual = true" width = "100%" height = "450 β€³ iframe =" true "/]

Arthur Machen: Panic Atavism and Mythopoiesis

[soundcloud url = "″ params = "color = # 149e2b & auto_play = false & hide_related = false & show_comments = true & show_user = true & show_reposts = false & show_teaser = true & visual = true" width = "100%" height = "450 β€³ iframe =" true "/]

Dai Saturnalia at the Carnavale:
the "solstice crisis" and the end-of-year celebrations

[soundcloud url = "″ params = "color = # d47013 & auto_play = false & hide_related = false & show_comments = true & show_user = true & show_reposts = false & show_teaser = true & visual = true" width = "100%" height = "450 β€³ iframe =" true "/]

"Only masks? And the face? "
Mask, puppet, doppelganger

[soundcloud url = "″ params = "color = # 170cc4 & auto_play = false & hide_related = false & show_comments = true & show_user = true & show_reposts = false & show_teaser = true & visual = true" width = "100%" height = "450 β€³ iframe =" true "/]

"The bow and the lyre":
Hyperborean shamanism and Apollonian ecstasy

[soundcloud url = "″ params = "color = # 15bda9 & auto_play = false & hide_related = false & show_comments = true & show_user = true & show_reposts = false & show_teaser = true & visual = true" width = "100%" height = "450 β€³ iframe =" true "/]

"To the TimeWave Zero":
Psychedelia and Eschatology in Terence McKenna

[soundcloud url = "″ params = "color = # b2b517 & auto_play = false & hide_related = false & show_comments = true & show_user = true & show_reposts = false & show_teaser = true & visual = true" width = "100%" height = "450 β€³ iframe =" true "/]

The Fury and the Ecstasy:
the shamanic substratum of European religiosity

[soundcloud url = "″ params = "color = # ff5500 & auto_play = false & hide_related = false & show_comments = true & show_user = true & show_reposts = false & show_teaser = true & visual = true" width = "100%" height = "450 β€³ iframe =" true "/]

Shamanism, Mysteries and "Sacred Persons"
in the traditions of Native Americans

[soundcloud url = "″ params = "color = # ff5500 & auto_play = false & hide_related = false & show_comments = true & show_user = true & show_reposts = false & show_teaser = true & visual = true" width = "100%" height = "450 β€³ iframe =" true "/]

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