“Carcosa unveiled”: conference in Florence for the Eumeswil Association

Florentine presentation for "Carcosa unveiled. Notes for an esoteric reading of True Detective”(Mimesis Edizioni, 2021) by Marco Maculotti, Friday 17 December starting at 18:00.

The meeting will take place at the headquarters ofEumeswil Association, which for years has been involved in the dissemination of the work of Ernst Jünger, and who already had guests there two years ago, in December 2019 for a conference dedicated to theme of the mask and the doppelgänger in the myth, in literature and cinema.

🌀 Few places available, reservations required 🌀
🌀 For information and reservations: .3334771866 XNUMX ????
🌀 Free offer admission 🌀
🌀 Signature copies with the author 🌀

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