The symbols of the cave and the mountain have marked the imagination of the peoples of the Eurasian continent so much that the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, the thinker of the fulfillment of Western metaphysics, could not refrain from inserting them in his work, with a profound allegorical character, Thus spoke Zarathustra. Nietzsche's Zarathustra lived his solitude in a cave and in the mountains. A loneliness to be understood not as segregation but as an authentic appropriation of one's self while awaiting awakening. Here, in the instant of noon, a sensitive image of the most luminous eternity, man is at the center of his itinerary between the animal and the superman and celebrates his departure in the evening as his highest hope since that is the way towards a new morning. It is in the brightest afternoon that Zarathustra sees for the first time his "guiding animals": the eagle (symbol of pride) and the snake (symbol of prudence).

Noon He affirmed Martin Heidegger interpreting Nietzsche's thought - is the luminous center in the history of humanity, a moment of transition in the serene light of eternity, where the sky is deep, and where before noon and after noon, they collide with each other and encounter the decision [17]. This decision is the choice between a life that denies itself and the possibility of a new beginning. And this new beginning is inseparable from the essential observation that only eternity is always absolutely new.