Hanns Hörbiger: the theory of Cosmic Ice

Taken from Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier «The morning of the wizards», Part II, chap. YOU

Ice and fire, repulsion and attraction fight eternally in the Universe. This struggle brings about life, death and the perpetual rebirth of the cosmos. A German writer, Elmar Brugg, wrote a work in praise of Hörbiger in 1952, in which he says:

“None of the doctrines that explain the Universe brought into play the principle of contradiction, of the struggle of two opposing forces, which nevertheless the soul of man has been feeding on for millennia. Hörbiger's undying merit is in powerfully resurrecting the intuitive knowledge of our ancestors through the eternal conflict of fire and ice, sung by the Edda. He exposed this conflict in the eyes of his contemporaries. He gave the scientific basis to this grandiose image of the world linked to the dualism of matter and force, of the repulsion it disperses and the attraction it unites. "

The genocide of natives in Canadian Indian Residential Schools

[Extract from the graduation thesis Recognition of the rights of the Native Peoples of Canada2015]

The Indian residential school system

One of the most shameful pages concerning Canadian federal institutions is undoubtedly the one concerning the educational sector. Already in the second half of the Ottocento, the British Crown had laid the groundwork — first with the Gradual Civilization Act of 1857, then with theIndian Act of 1876—to make populations native a mere matter of their own competence, effectively labeling them as a calegally lower tier of Canadian citizens. The Crown's goal was ovviamente to assimilate the native populations within the framework legal Canadian to make them his subjects. This became possible starting from the theosracist stories that the English colonists and Catholic missionaries shared: the "Indians" they represented a lower degree of civilization and civilization, their religion was demonic, the task of the "civilized" and God-fearing Europeans would therefore have been that of "killing the Indian in them" to make it possible at the same time conversion to the "one true God" and assimilation into the legal system of Western matrix that was rapidly forming. The English Crown and the four Christian Churches (Roman Catholic, Anglicana, Presbyterian and Methodist) came to the conclusion that the fastest way is safe to ensure the forced assimilation of the natives should have been based on the eeducation of the new generations: for this reason starting from the last years of the nineteenth century thousands of native children were forcibly removed a year agomiles to kick off the Indian Residential Schools program.