The Underground Kingdom (F. Ossendowski, "Beasts, Men, Gods")

(Taken from FA Ossendowski, Β«Beasts, Men, Gods: the mystery of the King of the World", Postal Code. XLVI)

Mongolia, with its bare and terrible mountains, its boundless plains scattered with the lost bones of the ancestors, gave birth to the Mystery. His people, frightened by the stormy passions of Nature or lulled by his death-like peace, feel the mystery of him. His "Red" and "Yellow" LamasΒ they preserve and make its mystery poetic. The Popes of Lhasa and Urga know it and possess it. I met the "Mystery of Mysteries" for the first time while traveling through Central Asia, and I cannot give it any other name. At first I did not give it much attention and I did not give it the importance that I subsequently realized it deserved, I only realized it after I had analyzed and compared many sporadic, vague and often contradictory clues. The elders on the bank of the Amyl River told me an ancient legend according to which a certain Mongolian tribe in their escape from the pretensions of Genghis Khan had hidden in an underground country. Later a Soyot who came from near the lake of Nogan Kul showed me the smoking door which serves as the entrance to the "Kingdom of Agharti". Through this door a hunter in the past had entered the Kingdom and, after his return, began to tell what he had seen there. The Lamas cut off his tongue to prevent him from telling the Mystery of Mysteries. Reaching old age, he returned to the entrance of this cave and disappeared into the underground kingdom, the memory of which had adorned and illuminated his nomadic heart. I received more realistic information on this from Hutuktu Jelyb Djamsrap in Narabanchi Kure. He told me the story of the semi-realistic arrival of the mighty King of the World from the underworld, of his appearance, his miracles and his prophecies; and only then did I begin to understand that in that legend, hypnosis or mass vision, whatever it was, hides not only the mystery but a realistic and powerful force capable of influencing the course of political life in Asia. Since that time I have started to carry out some investigations. Prince Chultun Beyli's favorite Gelong Lama and the prince himself gave me an account of the underground kingdom.