Autumn publications: "ATRIUM", "The immobile traveler" and "Towards psychedelic maturity"

In the last few weeks, three editorial products have been printed in the creation of which we participated: the register n.3 / 2021 of the magazine "Atrium", directed by prof Nuccio D'Anna, with our extensive essay on "Viracocha and the myths of origin of the Andean tradition "; la silloge โ€œThe immobile traveler. Essays for Gianfranco de Turris on the occasion of 60 years of activity โ€(Edizioni Solfanelli) with our article on the reception of Arthur Machen in Italy via GdT; and โ€œTowards psychedelic maturityโ€ (AnimaMundi Edizioni), with our speech at the General States of Psychedelic in Italy 2020.