Percy Bysshe Shelley: Prometheus in the Wind

8/7/1822 - 8/7/2020: almost two centuries from the drowning of Percy Bysshe Shelley, whose figure immediately became admired and venerated by the most restless spirits. The Prometheus who steals fire to give it to men, found in the English poet a version at the extremes of high ideality, in the name of a radical social and spiritual renewal. An unrepeatable season, here told through little-known sides of ours and through the profound influence on personalities very distant from each other, such as d'Annunzio, Crowley and Carducci.

WB Yeats, William Blake and the sacred power of the imagination

Although they lived one century after the other, in the biographies of Blake and Yeats it is possible to glimpse two parallel lives, based on some specular guiding ideas that guided their artistic and literary activity: the ideal of " religion of art โ€, the saving mission of the artist, the emphasis placed on the imaginative faculty for the purposes of the process of self-realization and the announcement of the advent of a new era to come.

Apollo / Kronos in exile: Ogygia, the Dragon, the "fall"

di Marco Maculotti
cover: Ferdinand Keller

Here we aim to bring to a conjunction some cycles of articles published so far in this first year of activity ofย AXIS world: the cycle concerning iย Cosmic-agrarian cults of ancient Eurasia, the one focused on the question ofย Time and cosmic cyclesย and finally the series of lectures by M. Ruzzai on the Myth of the polar and hyperborean origin of humanity.