The Bringer of Fire: Prometheus and the sense of the tragic in ancient Greece

On the one hand the fire represents the Logos, but on the other Prometheus embodies the wild nature of ancient cosmology, as opposed to the rationalization implemented by the society of the polis on the world outside the Hellenic civilization considered "barbaric" and irrational. The very sense of the tragic is based exactly on the sphere of non-rationality, on the mythical representation of the unconscious shadows of the Greek population of the polis and of man himself.

The Heart and the Vulva: a journey into common symbols

This article aims to investigate the analogies between some of the preeminent symbolic and esoteric values ​​of the heart and the female genital organ. In the different traditions of human history and, not infrequently, even in mere common language, the two organs, in fact, have often been associated with the same symbolic representations, such as those of the triangle with the apex down, the vase and the cave. Representative communities, these, which cannot but intuitively refer to a common area of ​​meanings.

The rites of Easter night as an initiatory mystery

The lighting of the fire, the texts that trace the sacred history, the rite of water that evokes the mystery of death-and-resurrection of baptism. The Sacred Meal of the Body and Blood of Christ: "the greatest hierophany" according to Mircea Eliade. The liturgy of the Easter vigil transmits a mysterious and initiatory meaning over the centuries.

The "Heavenly Fire": Kronos, Phaeton, Prometheus

di Andrew Casella
cover: Jean Delville, Prometheus, 1907)

[Continued fromΒ The astronomical significance of the Golden Age: Astrea and the "fall" of Phaeton]

In a Mongolian wedding prayer it is stated that: "Fire was born when Heaven and Earth separated": Therefore, before the celestial equator (Father Heaven) and the ecliptic (mother Earth) moved away (ie the inclination angle of about 23 Β° of the ecliptic with respect to the equator was recorded), the" Fire " did not exist. At the beginning, the Milky Way united heaven, earth and the world of the dead: the southern part of the Galaxy, in correspondence with Scorpio and Sagittarius, is, for many traditions, the place dedicated to the collection of souls waiting to reincarnate.

The astronomical significance of the Golden Age: Astrea and the "fall" of Phaeton

di Andrew Casella
cover: Sidney Hall, representation of the Virgo constellation, taken from "Urania's Mirror", 1825)

(follows fromΒ Stellar symbolism and solar symbolism)

All the peoples of the world sang of a mythical "first time" of abundance, in which the gods walked the earth and all things were in harmony. The myth of the Golden Age fascinated poets from remote antiquity to the times of the Renaissance. Basically, it was believed to be a time of material wonders, in which the bodily well-being of men was guaranteed by the natural and infinite flow of milk and honey. But are things really as the poets sang? What was the Golden Age really? The poets themselves, on the other hand, have preserved (consciously or not) some revelatory clues to the mystery, which refer, once again, to the celestial vault.

The secrets of Twin Peaks: the "Evil that comes from the woods"

di Marco Maculotti

Β«We will meet again in 25 years"β€”So Laura Palmer promised, trapped in the parallel dimension called" Black Lodge ", to agent Dale Cooper in the last episode of the second season of The secrets of Twin Peaks, which aired in the USA on 10 June 1991. What until recently seemed destined to remain a promise without a sequel is now on the verge of being kept: on 21 May the first episode of the third will be broadcast in America, highly anticipated season of the serial, which will pick up the subject exactly where we left off, with a gap of a quarter of a century. Waiting for the pilot episode of the new season to arrive on our television screens (May 26, on the channel Sky Atlantic) we want to propose to our readers an analysis of the more specifically "esoteric" themes they have made Twin Peaks a real media event of the nineties.