Percy Bysshe Shelley: Prometheus in the Wind

8/7/1822 - 8/7/2020: almost two centuries from the drowning of Percy Bysshe Shelley, whose figure immediately became admired and venerated by the most restless spirits. The Prometheus who steals fire to give it to men, found in the English poet a version at the extremes of high ideality, in the name of a radical social and spiritual renewal. An unrepeatable season, here told through little-known sides of ours and through the profound influence on personalities very distant from each other, such as d'Annunzio, Crowley and Carducci.

The "Son of the Moon": the two faces of Jack Parsons

On the one hand, with his research on the propulsion systems of space rockets, he made a fundamental contribution to the space race; on the other hand, thanks to his esoteric knowledge and the meeting with Aleister Crowley, he devoted himself to occult practices such as the infamous "Operation Babalon": we present Jack Parsons, the "mad scientist" who used to sing the "Hymn to Pan "Just before his missile tests.