The Bringer of Fire: Prometheus and the sense of the tragic in ancient Greece

On the one hand the fire represents the Logos, but on the other Prometheus embodies the wild nature of ancient cosmology, as opposed to the rationalization implemented by the society of the polis on the world outside the Hellenic civilization considered "barbaric" and irrational. The very sense of the tragic is based exactly on the sphere of non-rationality, on the mythical representation of the unconscious shadows of the Greek population of the polis and of man himself.

The end of the primordial age and the "Fall of Man"

Notes of a mythical-traditional nature on the esoteric history of humanity in the present Manvantara: from the Golden Age to the "Fall", from the "Sleep of Adam" to the "Original Sin", from the tripartition Adam-Eve-Lilith to the revolt of the Bear against the Boar.

Enigmas of the Mediterranean: the Guanches, the 'Peoples of the Sea' and Atlantis

An attempt at classification (cultural, anthropological and genetic)ย of the mysterious population of the Guanches, ancient inhabitants of the Canaries, and a look at the Hellenic myths concerning the "Fortunate Islands" and the 'mythical' war against Atlantis