Around the sacred spatiality

The sacredness of temenos and the suspension of time alone give that order of meaning to the initiates and their living outside the temple itself, directing and decontextualizing them into something super-temporal and not linked to the contingent. Meditations around sacred spatiality: on the divine as center and circumference, the analogy between temple and heart, the symbolism of the sacred mountain and the omega point, the act of building and ordering as an imitatio of.

The Heart and the Vulva: a journey into common symbols

This article aims to investigate the analogies between some of the preeminent symbolic and esoteric values ​​of the heart and the female genital organ. In the different traditions of human history and, not infrequently, even in mere common language, the two organs, in fact, have often been associated with the same symbolic representations, such as those of the triangle with the apex down, the vase and the cave. Representative communities, these, which cannot but intuitively refer to a common area of ​​meanings.

AkΔ«tu, the Babylonian New Year, and the updating of the Sacred

Through the mythical re-actualization of the clash between the god Marduk and the "sea monster" Tiamat, the AkΔ«tu was configured, in the final analysis, following the studies of Mircea Eliade, as a collective rite of passage: at the beginning of the new year, through the ritual and recitation of the ancient cosmogonic poem EnΓ»ma Elish, time and space were "refounded".

Apollo / Kronos in exile: Ogygia, the Dragon, the "fall"

di Marco Maculotti
cover: Ferdinand Keller

Here we aim to bring to a conjunction some cycles of articles published so far in this first year of activity ofΒ AXIS world: the cycle concerning iΒ Cosmic-agrarian cults of ancient Eurasia, the one focused on the question ofΒ Time and cosmic cyclesΒ and finally the series of lectures by M. Ruzzai on the Myth of the polar and hyperborean origin of humanity.