HP Lovecraft, the New Babel and the advent of the New Dark Age

As some "Sunday critics" say, Lovecraft always put before the alleged racial hatred the viscerally felt horror in the first person towards the advent of the modern world, the empire of machines and total depersonalization, in which every individual and his highest visions are swallowed up and inserted in a cosmic framework of universal tragedy, devoid of any higher outlet. And New York was, of course, raised in the image of the New Babel, which engulfs ancient traditions and human differentiations in a continuous, abject ritual of collective depersonalization, standardization and dehumanization.

HP Lovecraft, the New Babel and the witch hunt 2.0

The controversy raised to the Hugo Awards 2020 on the literary and "ideological" legacy of HP Lovecraft has reopened the question, which exploded ai World Fantasy Awards 2011, of the alleged racism of the Providence Dreamer, which would make him a problematic author for some. But how much did HPL's "racialist" beliefs really influence the genesis of his work, and especially the drafting of The Horror at Red Hook, your most controversial story, a manifesto of the revulsion felt towards the city of New York?

Video: Was HPL an "unconscious medium"? Two shorts on Lovecraft

Was HPL an "unconscious medium" of "alien" powers? On our Youtube channel we started uploading some short videos, which we appropriately edited, to shed light on the issue. In the first of the two we start from the dream experiences that he needed since childhood, while in the second we analyze the "revelational" elements dehis very personal * cosmic mythopoeia.

Chronicles of the End: from Machen's β€œTerror” to Lovecraft's β€œColor”

On the occasion of the 83rd anniversary of the death of HP Lovecraft, which took place on March 15, 1937, and given the period of stasis we are experiencing, what better occasion to reread one of his most terrifying stories, "The Color came from Space", light the parallels with another apocalyptic novel released more than a century ago that today seems so prophetic, Arthur Machen's β€œThe Terror”?