PDF / SLIDES: Parallelisms between Dante's infrworlds and the Indo-Buddhist and shamanic tradition of Asia

We make available for download the slides we used in the two conferences on Dante and the inframondi in the oriental tradition - that of yesterday for UniTreEdu and that of today at the General States of Psychedelia in Italy 2021. The notes are based on our essay with the same title forthcoming in the annual register of the magazine ยซARTHOSยป, n. 30 / year 2021.

Renรฉ Guรฉnon: "The symbolism of the Zodiac in the Pythagoreans"

On the symbolism of the solstitial doors in the ancient Hellenic and Vedic tradition: Cancer and Capricorn, the "door of the gods" and the "door of men", the dรชva-loka and the pitri-loka of the Hindu tradition. Thus the traditional doctrines framed the zodiacal symbolism to the process of migration of souls from the celestial to the sublunar plane, and vice versa.