TS Eliot's "Devastated Land" and the Way of the Tarot

On the eve of the centenary of the publication of the Eliotian masterpiece, his devastated land today demonstrates all its relevance and evocative power. Narrative fragments that the reader composes and reassembles in a continuous game of investigation on himself and the world, just like those who walk the Way of the Tarot do: "With these fragments I have propped up my ruins".

The Heart and the Vulva: a journey into common symbols

This article aims to investigate the analogies between some of the preeminent symbolic and esoteric values ​​of the heart and the female genital organ. In the different traditions of human history and, not infrequently, even in mere common language, the two organs, in fact, have often been associated with the same symbolic representations, such as those of the triangle with the apex down, the vase and the cave. Representative communities, these, which cannot but intuitively refer to a common area of ​​meanings.

Blood Metaphysics

Blood has always been considered, in the history of ideas, the vector of a powerful magical force and the vehicle of a complex and varied symbolism, starting with the rock paintings dating back to the Paleolithic to reach the three "book" religions (Christianity, Islam, Judaism), passing through the cosmogonic myths of ancient traditions (Babylonian, Hindu, Norse, etc.), obviously without neglecting its use in traditional oriental medicine and its sacrificial value within ceremonial practices.

Uttara Kuru, the Boreal Paradise in Indian cosmography and art

Giuseppe Acerbi examines the theme of the Boreal Paradise in the Hindu tradition, framing it in the doctrine of cosmic cycles and highlighting its correspondences with the Hesiodic and Platonic tradition, finally analyzing the symbolisms that are found in the artistic representations of this locus amoenus.Β