โ€œAt the wall of timeโ€: the question of history and the crisis of the modern world

Ernst Jรผnger's work on cyclical time, published 60 years ago, marks the apex of what was called the "culture of the crisis", a current of thought focused on becoming aware of the drama of History and Historicism and on the image of time as an impetuous flow that overwhelms everything: intuitions that, before Jรผnger, were brought to the surface by Oswald Spengler, Renรฉ Guรฉnon, Julius Evola and Mircea Eliade.

Mircea Eliade: "Cosmic cycles and history"

"Even within the framework of the three great Iranian, Jewish and Christian religions, which have limited the duration of the cosmos to a certain number of millennia, and affirm that history will definitively cease in illo tempore, there are traces of the ancient doctrine of the periodic regeneration of history ยป: Very ancient doctrine that Eliade, in his essayโ€œ The myth of the eternal return โ€, finds in the Babylonian, Hindu, Buddhist, Germanic and Hellenic tradition.

Renรฉ Guรฉnon: "The fissures of the great wall"

According to traditional symbolism, these "cracks" are produced in the "Great Wall" that surrounds our world and protects it against the intrusion of evil influences of the lower subtle realm: in the Islamic tradition through these "cracks" they will penetrate, as they approach of the end of the cycle, the devastating hordes of Gog and Magog, which Hindu tradition mentions as the demons Koka and Vikoka.