"May be welcome": rites and traditions of Calendimaggio (Alfredo Cattabiani)

On the occasion of May 1st we publish this writing by the never sufficiently remembered Alfredo Cattabiani (who among other things, ironically, was born and died in May, respectively on the 26th and 18th of the month), dedicated to ancient rites and traditions and popular on Calendimaggio. Taken from his book "Calendar".

โ€œMidsommarโ€: the coronation of Beauty and the expulsion of the Beast

Ari Aster's "folk-horror" film stages a Midsummer ceremony inspired by the ancient European rites of late winter and Calendimaggio: beyond the inaccuracies and poetic licenses, the fulcrum of the narrative must be recognized in the "descent into hell" and in the subsequent rebirth of the protagonist Dani, an initiation that obviously requires a sacrifice.

โ€œThe Wicker Manโ€: from folklore to folk-horror

For the making of "The Wicker Man", Robin Hardy and Anthony Shaffer delved into British folklore and modeled the Beltane ceremony and its preparations on the ancient propitiatory rites of Calendimaggio and the late winter procession, centered on the ritual sacrifice of the "Fool "," King of Disorder ".