PDF / SLIDES: Parallelisms between Dante's infrworlds and the Indo-Buddhist and shamanic tradition of Asia

We make available for download the slides we used in the two conferences on Dante and the inframondi in the oriental tradition - that of yesterday for UniTreEdu and that of today at the General States of Psychedelia in Italy 2021. The notes are based on our essay with the same title forthcoming in the annual register of the magazine Β«ARTHOSΒ», n. 30 / year 2021.

The Pole, the incorporation, the Androgyne

The mythical traditions from all over the world speak of an auroral golden age in which Man lived "in the company of the gods": this can perhaps be related to creation "in the image and likeness of God" and to tradition of the Platonic primordial Androgynous, homologue of the kabbalistic Adam Kadmon?

The end of the primordial age and the "Fall of Man"

Notes of a mythical-traditional nature on the esoteric history of humanity in the present Manvantara: from the Golden Age to the "Fall", from the "Sleep of Adam" to the "Original Sin", from the tripartition Adam-Eve-Lilith to the revolt of the Bear against the Boar.

Apollo / Kronos in exile: Ogygia, the Dragon, the "fall"

di Marco Maculotti
cover: Ferdinand Keller

Here we aim to bring to a conjunction some cycles of articles published so far in this first year of activity ofΒ AXIS world: the cycle concerning iΒ Cosmic-agrarian cults of ancient Eurasia, the one focused on the question ofΒ Time and cosmic cyclesΒ and finally the series of lectures by M. Ruzzai on the Myth of the polar and hyperborean origin of humanity.