The suffering of the earth: overpopulation and the myths of depopulation in India, Iran and Greece

The mythologem of "cosmic weariness" and "earth suffering", which inevitably follows a divine action aimed at depopulating the planet - whether it be a war between gods or a deluge sent from heaven - to balance its irremediably compromised equilibrium, is finds with notable correspondences in different Indo-European traditions, or rather Indo-Mediterranean ones: in India and Iran as well as in ancient Greece, and partly also in the Old Testament tradition.

Germanic Isis

On the identity of the "naval" Isis mentioned by Tacitus in "Germany" a real quarrel has opened up between those who consider it a Roman import -- which would have its reflection in the practice of β€œNavigium Isidis” - e who, like Georges DumΓ©zil, considers it connected to an original Germanic goddess, Freyja or Nerthus. But, beyond the denominations, the category to which the goddess can be ascribed is the broadest one of the Great Goddesses of the archaic period, including Rhea and Cybele.