HP Lovecraft, the New Babel and the advent of the New Dark Age

As some "Sunday critics" say, Lovecraft always put before the alleged racial hatred the viscerally felt horror in the first person towards the advent of the modern world, the empire of machines and total depersonalization, in which every individual and his highest visions are swallowed up and inserted in a cosmic framework of universal tragedy, devoid of any higher outlet. And New York was, of course, raised in the image of the New Babel, which engulfs ancient traditions and human differentiations in a continuous, abject ritual of collective depersonalization, standardization and dehumanization.

โ€œAt the wall of timeโ€: the question of history and the crisis of the modern world

Ernst Jรผnger's work on cyclical time, published 60 years ago, marks the apex of what was called the "culture of the crisis", a current of thought focused on becoming aware of the drama of History and Historicism and on the image of time as an impetuous flow that overwhelms everything: intuitions that, before Jรผnger, were brought to the surface by Oswald Spengler, Renรฉ Guรฉnon, Julius Evola and Mircea Eliade.

The lonely path of cinnabar

"Misunderstood by friends and enemies, he fought alone against the modern world": this obituary to Julius Evola highlights the 'Promethean-Luciferian' daimon that accompanied him throughout his entire earthly journey, making him a unique thinker in the panorama of ' 900, as clearly emerges from his most autobiographical work, "The journey of the cinnabar", recently reprinted by Edizioni Mediterranee.