β€œThe physics of angels”: dialogue between a visionary biologist and a rebellious theologian

Can modern physics dialogue with the theological and mystical tradition to shed light on the ancient question of angels? This is the question on which "The physics of angels" is based, a text-dialogue between the rebel theologian Matthew Fox, and the biologist Rupert Sheldrake, known for the theory of morphic resonance, focused on the analysis of some of the most illuminating texts of three Christian mystics: Dionigi Aeropagita, Saint Thomas Aquinas and Hildegard of Bingen.

Towards β€œTimeWave Zero”: Psychedelia and Eschatology in Terence McKenna

In addition to being one of the "prophets" of the psychedelic Counterculture of the second half of the last century, Terence McKenna was able to build, in the course of thirty years of studies and experiments, a real eschatological system for the Third Millennium, in view of final explosion, based on the recovery of shamanic practices, on a new interpretation of the Sacred as "Mysterium Tremendum" and on the vision, beyond the ordinary dichotomy between life and death, of what he called an "Ecology of Souls".