Viruses, Vampires and Zombies: The Pandemic Theme in Modern Fantastic

Already present in classic works such as the Iliad and the Decameron, the theme of the pandemic apocalypse has been exploited and investigated in recent centuries especially in the field of the Fantastic, in fiction as in cinema: from EA Poe to Conan Doyle, from Meyrink and Lovecraft to Richard Matheson and Stephen King; and again, on the big screen, by directors of the caliber of Bergman, Romero, Carpenter, Cronenberg and Gilliam.

β€œThe Shining”: in the labyrinths of the psyche and time

From the careful analysis of Stephen King's novel (1977) and of the film counterpart by Stanley Kubrick (1980), readings emerge that we can define as "esoteric": the Overlook Hotel as a labyrinth / monster that swallows its occupants and as a space outside of time; the superimposition of the past with the present in a similar perspective to that of the so-called "Akashic memory"; the "shimmer" as a supernatural capacity to insert oneself into this flow outside of time and space; a conception of the United States of America as a single, huge Indian cemetery (and not only).