Terence McKenna and the "food of the gods"

Exactly 20 years ago, on April 3, 2000, Terence McKenna took off towards Hyperspace: for the occasion we review his book "Food of the Gods", recently republished in the Italian translation by Piano B editions, focused on the relationship of humanity through the millennia with the so-called "master plants", but which also critically dwells on the relationship of dependence of modern man with various drugs, legal and illegal, among which McKenna also includes television.

Towards โ€œTimeWave Zeroโ€: Psychedelia and Eschatology in Terence McKenna

In addition to being one of the "prophets" of the psychedelic Counterculture of the second half of the last century, Terence McKenna was able to build, in the course of thirty years of studies and experiments, a real eschatological system for the Third Millennium, in view of final explosion, based on the recovery of shamanic practices, on a new interpretation of the Sacred as "Mysterium Tremendum" and on the vision, beyond the ordinary dichotomy between life and death, of what he called an "Ecology of Souls".

Shamanic aspects in the cult of Ganesha, the elephant-headed goddess

Starting from Airฤvata and the mythology of the "blending of the Ocean of Milk" and then reaching Ganesha, Giuseppe Acerbi aims to identify some esoteric correspondences between the elephant-headed divinities of ancient India, Iran, Japan and the Americas.