Some reflections on John Keel's "superspectrum" theory

In this article we will consider the superspectrum theory of John Keel, the founder together with Jacques Vallรฉe of the โ€œnew ufologyโ€. We will be concerned essentially with four questions: we will try to highlight the importance and significance of John Keel's personality and work in American ufology; we will present and comment on John Keel's theory of the superspectrum; we will highlight the similarities and differences between Keel's and Vallรฉe's theories; finally we will consider some of the possible applications of the superspectrum theory to phenomena belonging to the mystery dimension.

Who is hiding behind the mask? Visits from Elsewhere and the paraphysical hypothesis

The examination of the theories of John Keel and Jacques Vallรฉe based on the "paraphysical hypothesis", the "superspectrum" and the "thermostrate effect" allows us a reflection on the Other World and a parallelism with the cosmographic model and the "antichtลn ยปBy Filolaoย