The Logos and the knowledge of God in Clement of Alexandria's Neoplatonism

In the "Stromateis", written in the third century, Clement of Alexandria establishes a deeper analogy between the truth-Logos, coeternal and coextensive with God, and the cosmic aeon, aiȏn, which gathers in itself present, future and past: to the temporal scan , a typical expression of creation, the articulation of the parts of the cosmos is connected; thus "he who reassembles the different parts and reunites them will safely contemplate [...] the Logos in his perfection, that is, the truth".

The Virgin of Guadalupe, the Feathered Serpent and the "hidden river" of history

On the day of the winter solstice of 1531, at thehe hill of Tepeyac, sacred to the goddess Coatlicue, the apparition of a "Lady" who will present herself simultaneously as the Virgin Mary and theΒ Inninantzin huelneliΒ (Mother of the Ancient God Quetzalcoatl) diverted the "hidden river" of History in a way that was unthinkable until a few years ago.