The Heart and the Vulva: a journey into common symbols

This article aims to investigate the analogies between some of the preeminent symbolic and esoteric values ​​of the heart and the female genital organ. In the different traditions of human history and, not infrequently, even in mere common language, the two organs, in fact, have often been associated with the same symbolic representations, such as those of the triangle with the apex down, the vase and the cave. Representative communities, these, which cannot but intuitively refer to a common area of ​​meanings.

The rites of Easter night as an initiatory mystery

The lighting of the fire, the texts that trace the sacred history, the rite of water that evokes the mystery of death-and-resurrection of baptism. The Sacred Meal of the Body and Blood of Christ: "the greatest hierophany" according to Mircea Eliade. The liturgy of the Easter vigil transmits a mysterious and initiatory meaning over the centuries.