EVERY SOUL IS A STAR β€” 4) Julius Evola

In this new article of the astrological column "Every soul is a star" we analyze the birth chart of Julius Evola, born on May 19th 125 years ago, through some biographical cues.

di Flavio Margotti

Born May 19, 1898 Julius Caesar Andrea Evola he is an individual who cannot be framed simply: his interests have been multiple, the vertigo that arises in the reader given by the broad views of his works apparently coincide with "disconnections", as well as with various changes in his interests (philosopher, mountaineer , artist, poet, writer, esotericist). He certainly was a multifaceted individual. Nonetheless, the first thing that emerges from this TN is instead his immobility: he never moved, centered, he realized every immanence as a summit line.

In fact, a decidedly rare event is imprinted in this sky: the moon, mercury and venus have no aspects (venus does not communicate with visible stars, therefore present, personal), rare as these bodies are closest to the luminaries and have more chances of intercepting each other. The significance of this configuration leads the bodies concerned to become symbolically immobile: they do not disperse their energy and therefore are empowered by leaving the domain of the personality, they are disconnected from current contingencies to fatally reach the symbols of the indicated planets, amplifying the sectors (signs, houses) in which it is located. The archetype is perceived as uncontaminated and therefore also the personality will be perceived as disconnected from nature in a phenomenal sense, therefore also their perspectives will be dislocated by natural conditions such as family (moon), culture (mercury), art (venus).

It is that immobility that was mentioned earlier: the gods meditate on their own intelligible power and their being creates reality. Let it be clear: this also indicates great trials and personality crises, since the god must be held back and nature subdued before being able to use them. This gives meaning to the various phases of his professional-realization path, ways to bring together his sublimated personalities on earth, this from the point of view of that fetal, preternal, numenic or convoluted content, not established by celestial events. But clearer are the words of Evola himself:

I could speak of a pre-existing line, or a hidden legacy, which has been revived by various influences in the course of my existence. From this derives the substantial autonomy of my development. It is probable that at a given moment two personalities exercised an insensitive but real awakening action on me. But the fact that I only suspected it years later proves that it wasn't an extrinsic graft. The natural detachment from the human with regard to much of what, especially in the affective field, is usually considered normal, manifested itself in me at a very young age, I would even say above all in it. As a negative aspect, wherever this disposition has manifested itself hybridly, engaging my simple individuality, it has engendered a certain insensitivity and coldness of mind. But in the field that matters most, it was it that made it possible for me to directly recognize unconditioned values, completely beyond the way of seeing and feeling of my contemporaries.

Let us remember that among the isolated wanderers there is the moon, which determines childhood, family, mother, homeland by determining the desire to detach oneself from the human (moon), determined by achieving emotional autonomy:

I cannot trace the dispositions of which I have spoken to environmental influences or to hereditary factors (in the current, biological sense). I owe very little to the environment, to education, to my blood line. To a large extent, I found myself at odds both with the predominant tradition of Christianity and Catholicism in the West - both with the current civilization, with the democratic and materialistic "modern world", and with the prevailing culture and mentality in the country in which I was born. Italy, and, finally, with my family environment. If anything, the influence of all this has been indirect, negative: it has only favored reactions.

The moon is in Taurus (exaltation) which gives it a stable mind, sensory intelligence, a tendency to immanent firmness, to nourish or "charge" matter (from art, to sexuality, to laboratory alchemy). It is also found in the ninth house, leading to focus the sensitivity and dedication of the individual towards themes connected with culture (higher studies), religion (or rather conception of the divine), travel (traditions, cultures and populations distant in time and space from each other). The native has a stimulated, inspired and inspiring imagination and such themes have presented themselves in life since early childhood being the moon in reference, but Mercury (adolescence) also presents itself in this house increasing the premature intensity of such experiences:

In my early adolescence, while I was following technical and mathematical studies, a natural and lively interest developed in me for the experiences of thought and art. As a young boy, immediately after the period of adventure novels, I had made up my mind to compile, together with a friend, a summary-based history of philosophy. On the other hand, if I had already felt attracted by writers, such as Wilde and D'Annunzio, my interest soon extended from them to all the more recent literature and art. I spent entire days in the library, in a strict but free reading regime. In particular, the meeting with thinkers such as Nietzsche, Michelstaedter and Weininger was important for me. It served to feed a basic tendency, even if, at first, in confused and partly distorted forms, therefore with a mixture of the positive and the negative.

The previously mentioned mercurial element is also in taurus, leading to the perception of ideas from the point of view of a "sensorial idealism" as he himself states, this being accentuated by the ascendant in virgo (systematic nature) which gives a terrestrial modality: l The intellect needs to make thought integral, well structured, organic, above all by manifesting the same thought through writing and literary training. Anyone who has had a book by Evola in hand cannot fail to notice the quality but also the quantity of bibliography and sources, his delving into thought, modeling it in mines of other dimensions can only confirm the ascendant in virgin, which with the symbolism of boats, β€œthe one who pushes the ox forward” (like Hermes with the oxen of Apollo) and with the constellation of the raven make the twilight character perfectly (summer is coming to an end, last time to conclude the work in the field and prepare for winter ). All this can be understood better through the tarot associated with the virgin, i.e. the hermit (psychopomp), because Evola was above all an indicator of ways: in the long night of the soul he moves with the lantern that keeps the sun, carries the fire sacred of the tradition with which he lights the incendiary torch of the one who announces the Revolt against the modern world.

The subsisting traces - often even only in the stone - of some great civilizations of the origins often contain a meaning that is rarely perceived. Before what remains of the most ancient Greco-Roman world and then further on, of Egypt, Persia, China, up to the mysterious and silent megalithic monuments scattered among deserts, heaths and forests as the last emerging and immobile vestiges of submerged and overwhelmed worlds - and, as a limit in the opposite direction in the course of history, up to some forms of the European Middle Ages: in the face of all this one wonders whether the miraculous resistance to time of such testimonies, in addition to being due to a favorable concurrence of external circumstances, does not also contain the meaning of a symbol.

The important thing is that someone stands up, in spite of everything to preserve the tradition even in an underground way and without immediately perceptible effects.

To conclude with the isolated wanderers and proceed anagogically, Venus is observed located in Gemini (social independence for intellectual purposes) but, more suggestively, in conjunction with Neptune: the planet of union and harmony of forms, generation of ideas, sociability, marriage it merges with the planet of transcendence, of the melting of forms, breaking every limit, every word, every container, the evasion of celibacy (polygamous, he never married) the conjunction is summed up in beauty and sacredness. Tracing some associations of meaning, one cannot fail to mention all the intellectual entertainments, within the artistic avant-garde (Neptune and Jupiter indicate the formation and expansion through this mastery): precisely in this period of youthful apex Evola adhered to the Dada movement until 1923 in which he concluded his phase of artistic realization and began two years of transcendental exercise also through the use of narcotic substances to reach altered states of consciousness (Venus and Neptune are the main signifiers associated with "drugs"):

In this context, it is also worth mentioning the effect of some inner experiences that I faced at first without a precise technique and awareness of the end, with the help of certain substances that are not the drugs most commonly used […] I I thus led to forms of consciousness partially detached from the physical senses.

Evola was the artist (Venus) in the Neptunian sense, conceiving what he calls "mystical abstractionism", whose symbols emerge from uranic architectures and the oceanic brushstrokes border non-places, where primordial beings must still take on a form, and from whose flesh immortals arises the foam from which Venus Anadyomene or that Aphrodite that Plato calls Urania is born, pristine and primordial manifestation of the Pandemic. This suggestion can also recall the spiritual affinity with Tantrism expressed in Man as a power e The yoga of power, and in some ways venus conjunct neptune refers to an ability to connect more deeply with sexuality and use it to expand one's deeper perceptions and connections, this also by immersing oneself in the baptism of its abyss, magnetic fatalities and broken sabbaticals guided by supple initiatory sirens, who expand the heart and swell the sails of the ship that exposes itself to the vast oceans of knowledge:

I dwelt on the domain of sex, to indicate once again the ambivalent situation that has arisen: that all the taboos, prohibitions and conventionalisms in force in that field have fallen or are about to fall, can also be a good thing. It remains only to see who can use the new freedom, and how they can use it – as opposed to all that is petty corruption, sexual primitivism and pandemic obsession with women and sex. What can be asserted in the new space, for free, intense and essential relationships between man and woman, refers in part to some perspectives indicated by me in Metaphysics of Sex. The absurdity of procreating appearing ever more evident, as the surest way to ensure continuity I have indicated not that of blood, but that of the transmission of knowledge and an inner orientation to whoever is qualified (spiritual paternity). Modern dissolution means that one can no longer rely on the correlative support of a blood; each new generation feels more and more anarchically detached from the previous one.

To accentuate this aspect of magnetic realization (magical) use of sexuality is also the sexual counterpart of venus, mars, which is found in the domicile of ram (giving readiness, intense courage and tension for conquest) and in the 8th house, house of sex but not only: it is in fact in the typhoon axis and is called the entrance gate of hades, "beginning of death" or rather the "mouth of an ogre". The same Evola in Metaphysics of sex he associates the symbols of death with sex (Eros-Thanatos): this house is therefore the crucible of transformation of the individual, where the catabasis takes place. Mars here leads the masculine to collide with more secret tests, where subtle stimulations punctuate the silent combat lowered into the most intimate roots of one's personal history. This house in fact uproots, extirpates (domain of Saturn) to make this transmutation clearer in a phenomenal context. We can report the loss of the use of the lower limbs due to a spinal cord injury which occurred in a bombing in Vienna, in which Evola had the intention of:

Don't shy away from looking for dangers, in the sense of a tacit questioning of fate.

Calmly adapted to the situation, sometimes thinking humorously that perhaps it is a question of gods who have made my hand weigh a little too much in my joking with them.

To conclude the initial reference to sexuality we can relate the anecdote that Sibilla Aleramo (with whom Evola had a tortuous relationship) relates:

Inhuman as he is, cold architect of acrobatic theories, vain, perverse, he found himself before me as a thing wholly alive, wholly sincere, while he had fantasized who knows… what necrophilic adventure. And this whole sincere thing disturbed him, moved him, secretly.

As can well be understood, the 8th house is closely connected with the "supernatural", and Mars leads here to act secretly, by roundabout and underground ways, and one acts from the point of view of an "occult war" (restoration close to a capillary infiltration of subversion) if not a "great holy war" (heroic conquest of oneself, beyond the human):

The need for the supernatural lies at the heart of human nature and it cannot be denied without mutilating this very nature.

An essential task that today faces differentiated man: "Make sure that what nothing can be done about, can do nothing about us".

Here power (Mars) is exercised from behind the scenes. To place a further biographical association, we must refer to when in 1927 Evola formed the initiatory cenacle "UR" (with the meaning of ram among many) whose objectives closely adherent to the symbology of this Mars were:

Among the members of this operational group [of the RU] at least two elements were endowed with real powers. As for the purposes, the most immediate one was to arouse a superior force to serve as an aid to each individual's work, a force which each could possibly make use of. However, there was also a more ambitious aim, namely the idea that a true influence from above could be grafted onto that kind of psychic body that one wanted to create. In that case, the possibility of exerting an influence even on the predominant forces in the general environment at the time would not have been excluded. As for the direction of this action, the main points of reference would have been more or less those of Pagan Imperialism and the "Roman" ideals of Arturo Reghini.

With the approval of the Lateran pacts and after Mussolini became restless, believing that someone was magically acting on his mind, and after the dissolution of the UR group in 1929, Evola was monitored by the regime as he was accused of affiliation to the Ordo Templi Orientis as well as of being "degenerate", "pederast" and "cocaine addict" and was forced to hire some bodyguards, other fascist militants who instead sympathized with his ideas (as testified by Massimo Scaligero). The unfounded rumor continued to circulate even years later in the Movimento Sociale Italiano.

In fact, being in the house of water, mars brings hidden enemies, fighting (living the masculine, mars) in hidden areas, as well as being perceived as transgressive and subversive (which is best seen in the post-war period with "self-defense"), but this is also well symbolized by the opposition of Pluto (investigator, observer) and Saturn (state but also spiritual organizations, political power as well as an extra-normal power). In this regard, how not to refer to a work like Mask and face of contemporary spiritualism.

Original illustration by Alice Siega

Fundamental to understanding the occult constitution of the native, however, is the observation of the supporting body and radical center of the horoscope of the philosopher of the Hyperboreans, the sun: even if in second exile (taurus) it is found in the nakshatras (sidereal)"krittika” (knife), whose planetary home is of surya (sun) and whose caste kshatriya it is its militia, but above all it is joined to the cusp of the MC, spatially in the Zenith, i.e. the apex of the sky, the uranic peak in which the unconquered birth of the sun is the vertex that moves the wheel of the sky. Indeed, in the tenth house the sun has its planetary joy by raising its unchallenged power over the whole chart: in fact it has the names of β€œLeo” or β€œImperium”. It is in fact the house of youth (stink solar), education and educator/mother figures (woman- dominates or lady, the lion as an attribute of the great mother, from Cybele to the XI arcana), values ​​which then turn into realization, conquest, royalty and recognition of one's authority. The self emanates security and is purified through action, belief in conduct, hierarchy, independent domination and strong individualism:

As is evident, there was a certain antithesis between the two predispositions. While the impulse to transcendence generates a sense of estrangement from reality and in my youth - almost the desire for a liberation or escape not free from mystical breakdowns, the kshatriya disposition led me to action, to free affirmation centered on the ego . It can be said that reconciling the two tendencies has been the fundamental existential task of my whole life. Absolving it, and also avoiding a breakdown, was possible for me at the point where I came to grasp the essence of both impulses on a higher plane.

The measure of what one can demand from others is given by what one knows how to demand from oneself; he would not know how to dominate others according to justice and give them a law who does not have the capacity to dominate himself above all and to give himself a law.

More than with politics, this house refers to order, temporal power, "the pact": the solar nature of the native participating in the influence of Jupiter reawakens the Olympian character through the trine of the sun with a Jupiter in Libra (law, justice, conservation) in the second house, in which he lives, this house being the other face of the eighth or "exit door of Hades" and therefore it is the house of hopes, which determines talents and possessions (other times we have analyzed the its symbology) and therefore an anagogical, extensive approach:

It is absolutely a mistake that empire can be built on the basis of economic, military, industrial and even "ideal" factors. The Imperium, as according to the Iranian and Roman conception, is something transcendent, and only those who have the power to transcend the petty life of little men, with their appetites, with their petty national prides, with their " values” β€œnon-values” and Gods.

This phrase well represents the war that the sun wages against the titanic invasion of uranus (Promethean element) fromimum caeli given by the opposition, giving the personality a marked individualism on a social level and the clash of the person with modernity, and through it being able to affirm one's own ego almost as a Riding the tiger. The opposition gives an inner tension capable of bringing out peaks of genius and energy.

Going back to the house where Uranus lies, it must be said that Saturn (therefore also Uranus) has its abode here, called the "demon", and being the sky background it is the foundation of all things, atlas ruler or old man who supports the wheel of fortune ( Arcanum X) is therefore "the end of all things", to extract some associations from this ancient well: family, house, historic buildings, town, to the father, to the ancestors, to one's old age.

It will therefore be understood that the nature of this opposition manifests itself in an axis (4-10) strongly linked to time and to the factors that determine its environment (familial below and social above). A fourth house with Uranus and Saturn gives power through family possessions and by analogy through the ancestor (tradition, myth, symbol) concentration in the themes of history: strength through the investigation of one's origin (see works such as The Myth of Blood e Synthesis of the doctrine of race), memory, responsibility in affirming it, firmness in them and a rigidly practical and technical sense in dealing with it, finally innovation of them, as the magnetism exerted by these themes is due to the fact that Saturn and Uranus cut. The separation produced leads to the distance necessary to be able to exercise control over it, consequences which are therefore linked to the references initially mentioned to the family alienation of the native: coldness at home, as there is a chiron grafted to the cusp of IC brings a profound dissent given by deep wounds and not recoverable. This grants the power to "cure blood": the village healer rebuilds the torn down and forgotten temple, heals the bloodlines and advances towards the gate of the gods:

Like every need, like every longing and every passion expresses a deprivation of being, the no said to all of this integrates, increases, exalts the being and pushes it towards a superior, central, sunny life. True ruler, imperial nature is precisely whoever has a higher quantity of being, from which the others are fatally, almost without him wanting it in a certain sense, turned on, attracted, overwhelmed, he is the one who imposes himself, so to speak , with the simple presence: as a vaster and more fearsome gaze that others cannot resist; like that very calm grandeur which magically stops even the armed arm and momentum of wild beasts and directly arouses respect, the desire to obey, to sacrifice oneself, to seek in this vaster life the meaning of one's truest life. in him a whole race, a whole tradition, a whole history burn, as in their act: they cease to be abstractions, bloodless ideals, they become reality, absolute life as an end in itself and pure freedom, spirit, light.

Concluding the discussion of the TN, the presence of the part of luck in Leo should be indicated (having one's identity as a travel compass and making the journey through one's courage and determination) this in the twelfth house introduces the leonine fire, making it a black sun that nourishes only who knows how to grasp its deep light and which shows the demons (12th house) who lurk, subjugating them through an occult kingship. Here, then, one could say that the lion can be interpreted as the proverbial riding tiger.

Alongside the great currents of the world, there are still individualities anchored in the "immovable lands". They are, in general, strangers who stay away from all the trivia of notoriety and modern culture. They hold the summit lines, they do not belong to this world – though scattered over the earth and often ignoring each other they are invisibly united and form an unbreakable chain in the traditional spirit. This nucleus does not act: it only has the function to which the symbolism of the "perennial fire" corresponds. By virtue of them, Tradition is present in spite of everything, the flame burns invisibly, something always connects the world to the overworld. They are the ones who watch.


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