Germanic Isis

On the identity of the "naval" Isis mentioned by Tacitus in "Germany" a real quarrel has opened up between those who consider it a Roman import -- which would have its reflection in the practice of โ€œNavigium Isidisโ€ - e who, like Georges Dumรฉzil, considers it connected to an original Germanic goddess, Freyja or Nerthus. But, beyond the denominations, the category to which the goddess can be ascribed is the broadest one of the Great Goddesses of the archaic period, including Rhea and Cybele.

โ€œThe Wicker Manโ€: from folklore to folk-horror

For the making of "The Wicker Man", Robin Hardy and Anthony Shaffer delved into British folklore and modeled the Beltane ceremony and its preparations on the ancient propitiatory rites of Calendimaggio and the late winter procession, centered on the ritual sacrifice of the "Fool "," King of Disorder ".

The festival of Lughnasadh / Lammas and the Celtic god Lugh

In ancient times, among the Celtic populations, at the beginning of August Lughnasadh / Lammas was celebrated, the festival of the first harvest, established according to the myth by the god Lugh himself. An analysis of the functions of the latter will allow us to highlight its remarkable versatility and correspondences with other divinities of the Indo-European traditions (such as Apollo, Belenus and Odin) and even with two divine powers of the Judeo-Christian tradition apparently opposed to each other. : Lucifer and the archangel Michael.