The Dogon and the Sotian calendar

Waiting for tomorrow night's live with Antonio Bonifacio, dedicated to his book The Dogons. Masks and souls to the stars (Venexia 2015), we host this vast unpublished work by the author which summarizes the religious cosmology of the peoples of western Sudan and its links with ancient Egypt.

"The return of the Star Peoples". The X-Files of the Indian Reserves

Usually, when we talk about UFOs and "alien abductions", we tend to mistakenly consider the phenomenon as exclusively Western, mostly limited to American citizens of European descent. However, on the same US soil, the native Amerindians also live within the reserves have a lot to tell about it, and after decades of silence they opened up with author Ardy Sixkiller Clarke, who has collected their testimonies in some books, including "The return of the Star Peoples", recently translated into Italian by Venexia Editrice.

Astrological Considerations on the Gospel: A Solar-Based Soteriology

di Andrew Casella
cover: โ€œThe creation of the Sun, the Moon and the starsโ€, ca. 1250-1260

The cycle of articles dedicated to sacred astronomy by Andrea Casella continues. In this appointment and in the one that will follow, the author focuses on the soteriology of the Christian Gospels, identifying the referencesย 
โ€”ย most of the time now forgotten and therefore misunderstoodย โ€”ย to the ancient astroteological tradition. In this first part we will analyze in a special way the figure of John the Baptist and his relationship with Jesus (especially as regards "baptism") and that of Judas the Iscariot, connected with the constellation of Scorpio.

Stellar symbolism and solar symbolism

di Andrew Casella
cover: "The zodiac and the planets"ย by Bartholomeus Anglicus, taken from De proprietatibus rerum, Ahun 1480

[follows from Cyclic time and its mythological meaning: the precession of the equinoxes and the tetramorphย eย A Science in Tatters: Survival of the Doctrines of Cyclic Time from the Timaeus to the Apocalypse]

To resume the common thread of the images that we introduced in the first two appointments of this cycle, in the light of the previous considerations, it might be useful to quote a passage from Norse mythology.