The Platonic Cave, its Orphic and Pythagorean influences & the Māyā of the Upaniṣads

In this exhibition we will try to compare the main characteristics of the image of the Platonic Cave contained in the VII book of the Republic with those of the Māyā of the Upaniṣads. The common beliefs are evident and involve, above all, the bonds that determine the state of man's imprisonment and the possibility of redemption through the purification of changing forms.

René Guénon: "Gathering what is scattered"

On November 15, 1886, the esotericist René Guénon was born in Blois, France. As a tribute to him, we propose the reading of an excerpt from his work, published posthumously, "Symbols of Sacred Science", which deals with the theme of the primordial fragmentation of the Universal Man (Purusha, Prajāpati, Osiris, Adam Qadmon) and of its final reintegration into its original state.

René Guénon: "The symbolism of the Zodiac in the Pythagoreans"

On the symbolism of the solstitial doors in the ancient Hellenic and Vedic tradition: Cancer and Capricorn, the "door of the gods" and the "door of men", the dêva-loka and the pitri-loka of the Hindu tradition. Thus the traditional doctrines framed the zodiacal symbolism to the process of migration of souls from the celestial to the sublunar plane, and vice versa.

Odhinn and Týr: war, law and magic in the Germanic tradition

Notes on mythical sovereignty in the Germanic tradition: a comparison between the two divinities (Odhinn and Týr) assigned to the ambit, from the point of view of the "Indo-European functional tripartite division", of the so-called "First function" - in the light of the historical evidence emerging from Tacitus's “Germany” and of comparative studies (with the Vedic and Roman traditions) of the French historian of religions Georges Dumézil.

Astronomy and Mathematics in Ancient India: The Insights of Brahmagupta and Bhāskara Acārya

Centuries before Galileo and Newton some Indian scholars such as Brahmagupta and Bhāskara Acārya, heirs of the millenary knowledge of the Vedas, they had already theorized the heliocentric model and the force of gravity; and again, calculus, second degree equations and the number zero.