Video: Was HPL an "unconscious medium"? Two shorts on Lovecraft

Was HPL an "unconscious medium" of "alien" powers? On our Youtube channel we started uploading some short videos, which we appropriately edited, to shed light on the issue. In the first of the two we start from the dream experiences that he needed since childhood, while in the second we analyze the "revelational" elements dehis very personal * cosmic mythopoeia.

โ€œMephistopheles and the Androgyneโ€. The mystery of totality according to Mircea Eliade

In a 1959 essay entitled โ€œMefistofele e l'androgine. The mystery of wholeness โ€, a transcription of one of Eranos' talks at the University of Marburg, Mircea Eliade takes inspiration from the famous prologue of Goethe's Faust to address the theme of wholeness as aโ€œ coincidentia oppositorum โ€.

On the perennial reality of the myth: "The secret wisdom of bees" by Pamela Lyndon Travers

In the essays contained in โ€œWhat the Bee Knows. Reflections on Myth, Symbol and Story ", recently published in Italian by LiberiLibri, Pamela Lyndon Travers witnessed the timeless antiquity of myths and fairy tales, and consequently their perennial reality, interpreting the Gaelic" memory of the blood "that flowed in her veneers, starting from the title of the work: in the Scottish Highlands, in fact, it is recommended to "ask the bees what the Druids once knewยป.