The Green Knight: a “Green Man” in Arthur's court

Apology of witches. Johann Wier's “De Lamiis”

In the middle of the XNUMXth century Johann Wier, doctor and demonologist, student of Cornelio Agrippa of Nettesheim, spoke out against the methods and doctrines of the Catholic Inquisition in defense of witches, through a thesis that combines scientific knowledge with occult ones in the wake of Agrippa and of Paracelsus.

“Mephistopheles and the Androgyne”. The mystery of totality according to Mircea Eliade

In a 1959 essay entitled “Mefistofele e l'androgine. The mystery of wholeness ”, a transcription of one of Eranos' talks at the University of Marburg, Mircea Eliade takes inspiration from the famous prologue of Goethe's Faust to address the theme of wholeness as a“ coincidentia oppositorum ”.

Abyssal Thought: Friedrich Nietzsche and the Eternal Return

Through the revelation of doctrines such as the eternal return, the death of God and the transvaluation of values, Nietzsche undertakes to show us how only by understanding history as something alive and which constitutes us insofar as we are already always inserted in a historical world, we can have before us a future that is a Future, therefore a future herald of History and not of mere random events.