Auras and inner lights

Since the perception of a light characterizes the apparition of the divine, the luminous has always been associated with the numinous. The great dilemma that Walter Benjamin proposes is whether the visual impression is determined exclusively by the biology of the human eye or is also characterized by cultural and historical specificities. This contribution seeks to reconstruct how the experience of light in the West has changed over the centuries in intensity and suddenness and how its modes of manifestation have changed.

On the "duende" by García Lorca and the "spirit of the earth" by Ernst Jünger

A few notes on the correspondences between the duende, "occult spirit of aching Spain" according to Federico García Lorca, and the Jüngerian "spirit of the earth", with some glimpses of Octavio Paz. In the appendix, a full-bodied extract from the text of the Spanish poet.

G. de Santillana: “History to be rewritten”. Reflections on "Ancient Fate" and "Modern Affliction"

(image: Gilbert Bayes, ananke, sculpture)

Extract from the essay by Giorgio de Santillana «History to rewrite", Written in 1968 and published the following year by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, later (1985) translated and published in Italy by Adelphi in the collection of writings entitled"Ancient fate and modern fate».

Preface and notes by Marco Maculotti. Our italics.