LIVE VIDEO: β€œHyperboreans – the first myth”, with GIACOMO MARIA PRATI

The divine service of the Greeks

The ancient Hellenic religion β€œlived on the harmonious and reciprocal response of reality and of the divine will. The faith of the Greek man is in the cosmos, in the ordered rhythm of the stars; and the intertwining of their motions can only supervise the god Β». The Hellenic conception of the Sacred is in fact based on a dense network of mythical-historical-astrological correspondences, which allows the historian of religions to consider it under various aspects linked to each other: Theogony, esoteric history of the cosmos and human lineages, eschatology of the Mysteries, Hyperborean shamanism.

The Puer and the Kore for KΓ‘roly KerΓ©nyi: uncertainty, origin and foundation

From the analysis of the two mythological figures of Puer Aeternus and Kore in the demetric mysteries of Eleusis, in the studies of the Hungarian historian of religions KΓ‘roly KerΓ©nyi and in the comments on these by Carl Gustav Jung, the importance of the "original" and "founding" character emerges "Of the Greek myth, the enigmatic link between being and non-being, the one between life, love and death that allow us to express through symbolic relationships a cosmic process in which man's existence is close to reality.

Ioan P. Culianu: the Hyperborean shamanism of ancient Greece

cover: Ilyas Phaizulline, "Orpheus at the Empire of the Dead"


curated by Marco Maculotti

When it comes to "shamanism" [I], we usually tend to think of the Siberian one [II], from which the term itself derives, or to the Himalayan one, which often synchronizes with the Buddhist and / or Hindu tradition, or to that of the native populations of North America, Mexico and the Andes, as well as that of the Australian aborigines. More rarely, the importance of shamanic practices for the Indo-European peoples is emphasized, although the classical sources are not poor in this regard.

Metamorphosis and ritual battles in the myth and folklore of the Eurasian populations

di Marco Maculotti

The zoomorphic metamorphosis topos is widely present in the folkloric corpus of a large number of ancient traditions, both from archaic Europe (on which we will focus mainly in this study), and from other geographical areas. As early as the fifth century BC, in Greece, Herodotus mentioned men capable of periodically transforming themselves into wolves. Similar traditions have been documented in Africa, Asia and the American continent, with reference to the temporary metamorphosis of human beings in fairs: bears, leopards, hyenas, tigers, jaguars. Sometimes, in some historically documented cases of the ancient world (Luperci, Cinocefali, Berserker) "The paranormal experience of transformation into an animal takes on collective characteristics and is at the origin of initiatory groups and secret societies" (Di Nola, p.12).

Enigmas of the Mediterranean: the Guanches, the 'Peoples of the Sea' and Atlantis

An attempt at classification (cultural, anthropological and genetic)Β of the mysterious population of the Guanches, ancient inhabitants of the Canaries, and a look at the Hellenic myths concerning the "Fortunate Islands" and the 'mythical' war against Atlantis