The Platonic Cave, its Orphic and Pythagorean influences & the Mฤyฤ of the Upaniแนฃads

In this exhibition we will try to compare the main characteristics of the image of the Platonic Cave contained in the VII book of the Republic with those of the Mฤyฤ of the Upaniแนฃads. The common beliefs are evident and involve, above all, the bonds that determine the state of man's imprisonment and the possibility of redemption through the purification of changing forms.

Renรฉ Guรฉnon: "The symbolism of the Zodiac in the Pythagoreans"

On the symbolism of the solstitial doors in the ancient Hellenic and Vedic tradition: Cancer and Capricorn, the "door of the gods" and the "door of men", the dรชva-loka and the pitri-loka of the Hindu tradition. Thus the traditional doctrines framed the zodiacal symbolism to the process of migration of souls from the celestial to the sublunar plane, and vice versa.