The sacrifice of Isaac in Jewish iconography

Through the biblical episode of the Akedah, better known as the β€œSacrifice of Isaac”, the pictorial cycle of the synagogue of Dura Europos testifies to an identity struggle between pagan and Jewish culture. Furthermore, the passage from Genesis XXII throws light on some instances concerning the foundation of the Temple of Jerusalem, and on the sacrifices that were paid within it.

Blood Metaphysics

Blood has always been considered, in the history of ideas, the vector of a powerful magical force and the vehicle of a complex and varied symbolism, starting with the rock paintings dating back to the Paleolithic to reach the three "book" religions (Christianity, Islam, Judaism), passing through the cosmogonic myths of ancient traditions (Babylonian, Hindu, Norse, etc.), obviously without neglecting its use in traditional oriental medicine and its sacrificial value within ceremonial practices.