Bushido: the samurai code according to Yamamoto Tsunetomo's Hagakure

For several centuries the Japanese samurai caste has passed down a set of ethical standards and military which, although they seem to date back to 660 BC, were put in writing in the form of a code only between the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries by Tsuramoto Tashiro, who wrote the Hakagure according to the precepts that were taught to him by the warrior monk Yamamoto Tsunetomo.

Blood Metaphysics

Blood has always been considered, in the history of ideas, the vector of a powerful magical force and the vehicle of a complex and varied symbolism, starting with the rock paintings dating back to the Paleolithic to reach the three "book" religions (Christianity, Islam, Judaism), passing through the cosmogonic myths of ancient traditions (Babylonian, Hindu, Norse, etc.), obviously without neglecting its use in traditional oriental medicine and its sacrificial value within ceremonial practices.

Shamanic aspects in the cult of Ganesha, the elephant-headed goddess

Starting from Airāvata and the mythology of the "blending of the Ocean of Milk" and then reaching Ganesha, Giuseppe Acerbi aims to identify some esoteric correspondences between the elephant-headed divinities of ancient India, Iran, Japan and the Americas.