At the origins of LaΓΉro, the Salento nightmare sprite

There are those who see in LaΓΉro Salentino, even starting from the etymology, the descendant of the ancient Lare, the Roman domestic spirit. But more generally the points of contact with other supernatural entities of the Mediterranean tradition stand out, from the Nightmare to the Munaciello, from the Genius Cucullato to the Telesforo.

The god of crossroads: no place is without genius

Β«The god of places is the recognition that through the invisible character of the place it is possible to access wider contents. That is, that the god of the place is able to relate us to a deeper plane of reality and of the psyche that transcends the single site or individual.or". Let's go back to talking about Stefano Cascavilla's essay "The god of crossroads", recently released for Exorma, and already presented in June on our YouTube channel.

On the "duende" by GarcΓ­a Lorca and the "spirit of the earth" by Ernst JΓΌnger

A few notes on the correspondences between the duende, "occult spirit of aching Spain" according to Federico GarcΓ­a Lorca, and the JΓΌngerian "spirit of the earth", with some glimpses of Octavio Paz. In the appendix, a full-bodied extract from the text of the Spanish poet.

Arthur Machen and the awakening of the Great God Pan

The recent reprint of Arthur Machen's "folk horror" masterpiece allows us to shed light on one of the most fascinating phenomena of "pagan rebirth" in the modern West: the awakening of the Great God Pan in Victorian England, at the turn of the 800th century. and the '900.